ITT-only the most godtier cartoon film villains allowed

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Wheres the bomb mansley

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>launches a nuke at America
You people are bipolar as fuck.

What does Brad Bird have against gingers?


This is my thread now

I've got to explain to half of America that we can't whip ourselves into being carbon neutral

Where's Alice, Mansley?

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You gotta help Big Oil do its thing. Give them the licenses to throw baby seals into wood chippers. Is that how you make oil? No, but that's what we're doing.

I'm going to eat the FBI. Friends, enemies will watch.

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You need to rape the FBI. It’s the only way.

Nox's only problem was that he failed.

Murrlogic fuck off

So this is what female autism creates

Is this from some ytp?

I'm going to have to expound upon this in Reddit, but this patchy, ill-thought-out energy policy enveloping the US and Europe is the product of a punitive groupthink.

What are think tanks for if not for this? What the fuck are they for?

I want people to really see what's really at the top, how incompetent it is. But we're going to suffer if I don't intervene soon.
I'm not even doing anything astounding. I'm just repackaging things FOX news says every day.
We're like that toad with a worm in its eye.
I'm getting tired of this, too. This lifelong pattern of approaching the horror and then the relief of retreat. Approach, retreat. Approach, retreat. Over and over and over since I was a kid. What if I broke through and ate it. What if I ate it.