I don't get it

I don't get it.

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He doesn't want to leave his child unattended in a church, a location infamous for housing groomers and pedophiles, so instead he took him to a drag show with supervision because it's Pride Month.

the amount of children that have been molested in churches compared to drag shows or lgbt gatherings is fucking hilarious.

literally hundreds and hundreds of years of minors being sodomized in places of “prayer”.

rock hurls retarded. but this is so stupid, it’s ridiculous.

basic cable in americas pretty much berated by ads encouraging men in their 40s to pursue legal action against the pastors that molested them as children.

why do rightoids project so much?

so why do people think men in dresses in cartoons as a joke is transphobic while drag is completely okay?

>Only churches are infamous for Pedophiles

Literal midwit take, Teachers have been diddling kids as much as priests for equally as long.

the real question is where did purple shirt find a drag queen that wasnt a cryptotranny? ive literally never seen a drag queen with a beard or body hair in my entire life

Because all they care about is power, and will abuse any emotional angle they can to get it.

This is why a gay man mocking women in an overly dramatic way is good, unless it's bad.

There hasn't even BEEN a public school system for that long.

Eh, they used to exist in the UK as a comical gag, usually a cornerstone of pantomime.

but American trannies co-opted drag and turned it into a weird fetish.

Retard zoomer

>american trannies ruined [thing]
sounds about right, but brittish gays are without a doubt the worst gays on earth, so maybe drag was always trash?

Did I say Public school you fucking mongoloid? Doesn't stop the fact that the Intellectual elite of the world have still been buggering kids at the same rate as Pastors since the very idea of education was invented.

Hell, look at places like the history of psychology, it's basically buggery central.

user, its no where close to churches. catholic and christian churches literally have generations of families who were molested and raped by the same pastor.

the amount of molestation that goes down in major churches in small towns would make a cult leader in a commune blush.

theres so many fucking class action lawsuits against churches for molestation right now it’s ridiculous

I don't get it.
Children are safer with drag queens than in a Texas school.

>please ignore how the history of education and intellectualism is pock-marked by horrific acts

>Repressed gay pedophiles get into church because they get free access to kids
Yes, you don't think the church turns people into pedos, do you?

Stop seething over being wrong and read a fucking book, stupid zoomer.

I dunno, things like literally handing Orphan boys off to be molested by known pedophiles in the name of half baked psychology theories in Germany is pretty fucking bad.

Or John Money, the man who invented this modern idea of Gender, basically being a sexual version of a Nazi scientist, while being promoted by his peers.

Sure, the church is bad, but they're a mere symptom of a larger lack of care for children with authority figures. If we deleted all churches today, the nonces will just become teachers instead.

I don't wanna know where he put the amoung pequeño in this one ahah

stoneybronies what's going on...? this thread isn't going how we want it to go!!!
FUCK I'll just post it again later.....maybe then we can win the thread....

>Church Grooming bad
>School Grooming good


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Maybe go back to twitter with the rest of the groomers.

The "A" on the Drag Show sign

Now this is a funny cope. This argument style doesn't prove you right, it just loses your point even more, zoomie.

>pedos represent the gay community if they molest male kids

user, you dont want to go down this path.

straight guys dont have a good record on this either.

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>Read a Book
>Look into the history of psychology and Public education

I can't, our guy stonetoss blocked me anyway!
What's going on, stoneybronies, i though he believed in free speech!!!

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I'm not the one devolving into candid insults and phrases am I?

Pretty ironic to call someone a Zoomer while sounding like a Tiktok poster.

Taking children to a drag show is sexual abuse.

I don't understand your tiktok reference, zoom zoom. You can stop replying to me, you already lost the argument.

>What is proportionality

Once again, the nonce forgets gay people make up like 0.1% of the population yet account for like 30% of all child molestation cases.

This is where you move onto it not being about sex and being about power.


Cute, all you've don't is deflect, don't you have an owl house thread to be in?

>Bro, at least churches dont promote their child predators to positions of power.

user I...

Our current pope is only popular because he looked the other way for decades. African pastors were so disgusted by this shit, they stop traveling to the vatican.

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Pretty sure Stonetoss doesnt get it either

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I was talking about gay pedos because that's what has been associated with the church, but sure, go ahead

Does it matter when the public school system sexually abuses WAY more children than any church?

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unless they are in a night club in orlando

i’m not advocating for taking children to any sort of adult environment especially when its hyper sexualized but

Church > Drag show

because you’re child is less likely to be molested is fucking hilarious.

like i said in that other post, this was a swing and a miss.

I never said churches don't promote child predators to positions of power though.

In fact I distinctly pointed out that the issue isn't the church OR schools, but a lack of protection in keeping nonces away from these positions of authority.

You are so absolutely desperate to make this exclusively about churches and not about Authority that you are willingly to literally ignore what I fucking said?

Go take your pathetic half-informed tribal positions and shove them up your loose assflaps you fucking nonce-defender.

>Less likely to be molested

to be fair that is becase children are, and should be, less likely to be in a gay bar to begin with.

Considering so many of these "drag queen story time" actors end up being sex offenders, I doubt this would remain the case if this exposure keeps up.