Do you think people will try to cancel Kamen america if this image get popular?

Do you think people will try to cancel Kamen america if this image get popular?

Attached: 20220610_002956.jpg (750x759, 99.56K)

Probably not, because that's a different book.
Besides, in all honestly those titles are too useful as an argument towards a lack of conservative creativity for anyone to want to get rid of them.

Cancel culture only affects the popular or tge notorious. Being under the radar makes you immune to it.

No, I doubt it'll go anywhere, nor will KA reach that level of popularity. Kamen America fans will just continue to support it, and everyone else will continue to just not give a shit. KA is in that sweet spot of being popular enough to turn a profit and maintain a relatively loyal fanbase, while also avoiding the general public eye. The most that will happen is some left-wing comic reviewer bringing it up, which may spark some very mild hate for a week.

What the hell is this picture from? It looks like shit.

Both those characters are on the same side politically, countries and ethnicities aside.

Ethnicity is what matters the most.

Nobody gives a shit about these embarrassing parodies just about anywhere but here where one of the guys responsible keeps posting it. Can't even dredge up outrage press.

The extra spice is that the character is called(im not shitting you) kamel khan, so if you join the dots it becomes even less subtle

Os a parody comic about donald trump being an anime protagonist parodying a popular japanese anime(is called my hero Magademia)

Kamen America but she's a far-right islamic terrorist

Man I don't fucking know and I don't fucking care. Shit's low hanging fruit and people got better shit to do than sit here and complain about how things used to be better like these niggas don't know that being fucking ten with no bills or cancer to worry about was hard or some shit.

She fights for the glory of toepkekistan

Nobody cares about Kamen America

>people paid big bucks to crowdfund this schmuck "owning the libs" with drawings

Culture wars rot the brain and drain bank accounts.

Funny enough one of the writers or backers tried to hype this book, saying it’s better than Captain Marvel and everyone either asked who KA was

Even the other people that worked on the book tried to chime in saying “well it’s not for everyone, but it’s good trust us”

Uhh isn't this an Any Forums parody? Any Forums is not Any Forums and I don't think Any Forums parodies count as Any Forums neither.

By this logic, you wouldn't be able to talk about American cartoons with anime art styles.

Attached: would.png (321x322, 38.74K)

Why is the camel punching the guy if it already has a bomb strapped to itself?

Magatard. What do you expect?

>Os a parody comic about donald trump being an anime protagonist parodying a popular japanese anime(is called my hero Magademia)
Oh. That.

No, no this is never going to get popular.