I miss Ronnie

It's coming up on a year bros.....

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His older work was better anyway.

I hope he went and got a job that’s less emotionally pressuring for him.

He's doing a completely different comic that sucks absolute ass.

I think what broke him was finding a girlfriend, and her breaking up with him shortly after. I can relate to those feels, except mine was my best friend of 4+ years turned GF, and then she leaves me on my birthday because she couldn't handle my depression. She said that it felt like whatever she did didn't help me, and it was just too much for her. I didn't want her to fix me. I just wanted her to stay by my side. She was all I had left...

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he clearly tried to move to fast in the relationship despite it being a distant one

It's what happens when you're starved for love. You become overly attached, overly dedicated to just one person. And it can overwhelm them if they're more...Socially adjusted than you are. I'm sure all he wanted was someone to stay with him, too. A reason to keep on keepin' on. But when you find that person, and they just leave you as if you were nothing to them, it fucking hurts. And I don't think he'll get over that any time soon.

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Funny, he made a whole comic about this and still he fell for it.

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Platonic friendship between and a man and a woman isn't possible to begin with.

>t.houch grass

I still like Ronnie even if he's too depressed to do comics. Hope you see some good anime soon, Ronnie.

>different comic that sucks absolute ass
What's wrong with it?

I'm with a girl currently that I've known since high school. I'm more or less counting the days till she leaves me.

>I still like Ronnie even if he's too depressed to do comics
Actually, he is still making one, "From earth in peace" that he update from time to time. I enjoy it.

It's literally impossible

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whats a houch grass?

shit i thought this was a comeback thread for a second.

Why can't he just start a family so he doesn't have to focus on his creepy as shit surrogate fatherhood comic and return to whompkinoarama.

Ronnie if you are reading this you are my nigger on levels never seen before, come back.

I was the one who started talking about Ronnie's low patreon support in threads all the time, which lead to his long patreon rant about not offering enough value, which lead to him quitting the comic.

Feels good, man.

castrating a man never was so eloquent

Its a very cutesy, safe comic.

It's not unless you're fucking desperate.