So now that it's confirmed that Slott is off FF after #46, will they undo this?

So now that it's confirmed that Slott is off FF after #46, will they undo this?

Attached: Fantastic Four 026-009.jpg (1988x3056, 1016.93K)

What will he work on next ?

His suicide note hopefully

hopefully his suicide

Not cool guys

This is uncharacteristic of chuck but hardlocking franklin from the x groomer books was the best thing slott ever did

>will they undo this?
Undoing it would be opening the door for the X-books to try and take control of Franklin again. If you were the writer or editor of F4 you probably wouldn't want to give him up to them.

It'll probably stay canon at least until Krakoa ends and the X-books go back to some semblance of normality, unless F4 gets a writer and an editor who are hardcore X-fags who are still angry about it.

>Eternals is tying in to X-Men through AXE: Judgment Day
>Spider-Man is tying in to X-Men through Dark Web
>Duggan is heavily implied to be the next FF writer and will tie it in to X-Men
The X-Chads are getting stronger...

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You're actually serious, aren't you?

whats with all the hellfire gala shit? are the x-men some kind of mutant modelrace now?
someone explain to me plox

That's not how it works, FF are directly edited by Tom Brevoort, x-office has no rights using Franklin without his approval, whether he's mutant or not

Serious question, why does him being a mutant matter? What does the identity do to his character?

Writer fiat, essentially. They apparently bought their way onto the world stage by handing out free designer drugs like cotton candy to the world in exchange for recognition, autonomy, and diplomatic immunity for every mutant ala dual citizenship style. Then they parlayed that with all the Hellfire Club's/Xavier's/Angel's massive moneypits to buy out giant chunks of the tech and import/export industry, the shit they get from fucking with multiple intergalactic empires either via assassination or taking advantage of an economic collapse via introducing their own new fiat currency, mix in an undefined amount of time, and voila. Now they're among the rich hyper elite, able to hold their own fancy annual Met gala just to dab on the normies.

If this shit doesn't make sense to you, then don't worry. This shit won't be forever, no matter what the true believers nor the doomsayers believe. Just have to acknowledge that as far as the comics are concerned, the X-men are just the public face for a gated community of rich fucks with powers that are doing what the Avengers used to do in sticking their fingers in too many pies at once that's going to inevitably backfire hard on them.

Attached: House-of-X-02.png (1346x1131, 1.63M)

very cool

But even the Avengers were normally against this shit, the few that are like this are the Illuminati fucks like T'Challa. Captain America has gone to bat against SHIELD and his government for doing shit like this many times, but the writers are too up their own ass to remember this.

Attached: For Once Mags Holocaust Card Fails Him.png (657x334, 410.35K)

I have a feeling that's the atmosphere they were trying to go for, and yet it's not the direction the stories are actually going. From what I've gathered, the writers wanted the X-men to have their own Illuminati-style cabal in the form of the Quiet Council. And yet, they also want the X-men and mutants as a whole put on a united front to complete the whole "mutant nation" image they're building up. So you get a lot of tug and pull between obviously evil bastards put into positions of power no sane person should let them clashing with the characters that should be constantly objecting to the morally questionable shit that goes on that doesn't amount to anything, since in practice it essentially just has dudes like Cyclops and Nightcrawler flipflopping between telling off their superiors to their faces and acting like the Quiet Council's dutiful whipped errand boys.

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Brevoort presumably agreed this with Slott, so if he stays the editor, nothing's going to change. But there do seem to be a lot of X-Men fans and writers who are convinced all mutants are the property of the X-books, and are literally seething about Franklin, Wanda, and Squirrel Girl being retconned into non-mutants, even though they belong to other books and virtually never appeared in X-Men titles. They've also recently brought back Judas Traveller in an X-book, because the Spider-Man writers had tried to explain him away with a retcon of him being an insane mutant illusionist.

Those retcons were obnoxious and only happened because Ike was seething that Marvel didn't own the film rights to the X-Men. It's no longer a problem, so things can go back to the way they were.

the LGBTQ+ writers of X-men love the Met Gala and so voted to make the Hellfire Gala an annual event. This is what happens when you let LGBTQ+ childless millennials be in charge of the hen house. They turn the X-men in to a franchise of groomers.

and the writers still want us to see them as the Good Guys

Those characters are all unironically better off not being mutants and having nothing at all to do with the X-books. There's no reason to change them back when all it would do is get them dragged into stories that they don't fit into, especially a comedy character like Squirrel Girl.


fuck off and die. it was the only interesting thing about franklin

that's not how it works either. otherwise you wouldn't get wolverine in FF and upcoming New FF mini, and Iceman wouldn't be retconned into an FF member

before you were born, in the 90s and 00s X-Men were dominating marvel, along with spider-man. It's simply going back to normal

whatever they are, they are less evil than avengers for sure

>Wolverine and Iceman join FF
>YAAAAAAAS take the x-men out of their books
>Franklin might be mentioned as a future Rachel's husband
>NOOOOO !!!!!1! don't take a mutie into x-men
you are silly, it's called marvel UNIVERSE

Your "back to normal" lasted about four or five months in 2019. Moon Knight is outselling the X-books now. Moon Knight.

But regardless of what's selling, the X-Men fanbase are the absolute worst fandom in comics, and are in no way Chads.

> would do is get them dragged into stories that they don't fit into
name ONE example it happened. or does the muties live in your head rent free?

>Moon Knight is outselling the X-books now
Boooyyyy the salt in your post is delicious
But any source for that claim? Let's ignore the fact that moon knight had a tv show that is already over and that his series is already said to be cancelled

From what I see, there is a chill crowd of people who just like reading x-books and don't really bother with the rest of marvel comics, and there is a crowd of people who absolutely loathe anything x-men related to the point of acting like complete autists