How could they do this?

How could they do this?

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So, are the feds going to actually let loose an agent this time? They kept larping about muh incel shootouts but nothing happened

But it's glowie sleeper season now, so...

By being based and not giving a fuck.

Attached: LIKE A BOSS.jpg (600x385, 30.88K)

>They kept larping about muh incel shootouts but nothing happened
A guy threw eggs at people taking pics in the stairs this scene took place.

Haven't watched the movie. Is it anti-gay or something? Why is this an outrage?

Joker is an LGBT icon tho

Joker's struggle was relatable to one of the groups neoliberal globalist estabishment opresses so it's "bad"

>literally dreams of being loved by a woman

So you just can't announce anything journos don't like during the whole month of June?

No, it's anti-woke.

dab on the gays

You can't announce anything that's not Pride related.

It portrays Tomas Wayne as an oppressive rich white man running for government and Arthur was a sympathetic downtrodden loner with mental illness who got fucked over by higher ups and who decided to take retribution on the three upper class white guys and a media personality who made fun of him, how the hell is this movie not woke

Because the main character is a white male. That's literally it; if the character was black or a woman this movie would be getting it's dick sucked by journos as an important film, instead of being scorned as incel bait.

Waiting for Arthur to come out as trans in joker 2 and murder homophobes/transphobes

I'm glad that Joker was a good movie on its own and that it manages to trigger every kind of faggot on the spectrum of faggotry

Gays are like "nooooo that's my holy month, nooooo, you're taking attention away from meeeeee!"

When are fags ever content?
Grievance politics all day err day.

Cope, Dylan.

You know damn well that the Joker has a psychosexual relationship with Batman that he ignores Harley for.

Attached: BJ.jpg (720x956, 93.56K)

Would joker be a top or bottom?


Why are whites and straights like this?

>Harley in the sequel

I hope they go for maximum Kino and have a 90s teen Bruce, a low level crook Cobblepot and maybe even a Gordon

>Women are STILL salty about this movie
Joker really is a movie they can't understand, I have seen men of all stripes, colors and politics loving this movie but with women I've seen maybe one or two that don't immediately shit on it

So joker still makes lefties seethe three years later. You love to see it

Would Gordon be played by JK Simmons

Equality seems like oppression when you're accustomed to privilege.

>joker still makes lefties seethe
but they like it, a lot.

This! White people are so privileged it fucking hurts.

It's Fight Club all over again.

This. It's mostly republicans who are butt hurt over this movie. It's the same violent video games talk from the 2000s.

what is this meme? women can understand it easily.

>Mid film misunderstood by it's most vocal fans

Women love this movie too

>Mostly Republicans

Point them out to me because that sounds like projection to me. Majority of scathing articles about Joker were from lefties bitching about how Joker represents incel culture and how it was the way Todd shitted over them since they make comedy movies in the current woke era all but impossible

Are you implying those articles weren't astroturfing by republicans?