Palpatine groomed kid Anakin the way a pedophile grooms their victim; I'd say that's more than unhealthy

Palpatine groomed kid Anakin the way a pedophile grooms their victim; I'd say that's more than unhealthy.
So yeah, basically Darth Vader in a nutshell.

Palpatine’s relationship with Anakin follows the pattern of grooming for abuse, and then finally just actual abuse from beginning to end.

It started when he was 9 years old, and basically didn’t end until he threw the bastard down a reactor shaft.

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It could easily be said that, arguably, Palpatine's relationship with Anakin was one of the very few that wasn't abusive or unhealthy. Obi-Wan might have held Anakin back in terms of his growth as a Jedi, but he was the closest thing to a father Anakin ever had, and he respected and admred his master, who had encouraged his growth in the traditional Jedi manner. Padmé, the former queen of Naboo, was one of the few that Anakin felt he could confide in, as shown in several scenes of “Revenge of the Sith”. Shmi, his mother, always encouraged her son and taught him to be loving and kind to people, and to reach out to them and help them regardless of how they felt about him or others, and he loved his mother.

But it was Sheev Palpatine who encouraged Anakin to grow not only as a Jedi, but as a person, showering him with praise and encouragement at every turn, urging him to trust his instincts and his feelings where the Jedi Order insisted on restraint, and encouraging Anakin to confide in him. He never judged him, never put him down, he buttered him up and he stoked Anakin's pride and ego, even offering his own insights on the Force and its mysteries. Even when he knew the Jedi had asked Anakin to spy on him he never judged him or accused him of anything. He never held Anakin at fault or culpable with anything. And in the end, when Anakin pledged himself to Sheev and became Darth Vader, he felt that Palpatine was someone he could confide in and trust. As a Jedi, as a Sith, and as a person, the Emperor encouraged Vader's growth and potential.

Mace verbal assault him in front Obi Wan.
Honestly? the jedis are pedos.

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Remind me how Sidious remained hidden for so long? Isnt the force supposed to warn you against this kinda stuff?

Who the fuck wrote this? Mace sounds like he’s channeling Pedo Kreia.

And Obi sue is a canon Pedo.
For three movies, Obi-Wan spent his time deceiving, endangering, gaslighting, and manipulating an innocent Luke Skywalker, so he and Yoda could use him to kill off the monster attack dog/murder slaves of a man they helped turn his biological father into for Sidious twenty three years earlier, even if unintentionally. Never once did he express any remorse for it, or try to save either Luke or Leia because he really cared about Luke or Leia as a person for his own sake. It was all about using him and/or Leia as pawns to try to absolve himself for his mistakes with their father.

>it started when he was 9
Buddy it started A LOT earlier than that.

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>reddit spacing
Didin't read.

is rey and bens kiss technically incest?

yes, even under just movie canon, they're siblings in the force so it's pretty much incest

sith are groomers

Force Stealth. It's the "reason" him and Dooku didn't have yellow eyes. Also, in a novel, Yoda senses a void in the force while meditating, which is Palps, but since it isn't dark or light, no one really gives a shit.

Abuse in the Jedi Order
nott being perverted here, but being realistic. Wouldn't an organization like the Jedi (not unlike the Catholic Church) be rife with abuse towards children? Think about it, impressionable youth who are taken away from their families and entrusted to a "master" whose favour they spend their life trying to gain? Seems like a very dangerous premise. As we know with Anakin,

I kind of agree. It's a dark issue to discuss, but there are so many dark moments in SW that pull deep emotions out of me. The most relevant in this case I can think of is the guy that buys a slave child

he Jedi Trials (for promotion to Knighthood) could get a bit nasty in the Pius Dea era of the old EU. But that's not really children - more young adults - late teens/early 20s:

The Jedi Path

During the Pius Dea era, the Jedi Order subjected Padawans to torments of cold, cuts, sonic shocks, and the application of sustained, low-powered blaster fire in the technique that smugglers call "the Burning". Now condemned as barbarism, this practice is best understood as a product of its time. It did, however, crystallize the Trial of the Flesh's most fundamental principle: divorcing the self from the spirit.

If Star Wars was full of sexual abuse and child-molestation, it wouldn't be Star Wars as we know it.

Yoda Denies All Allegations Of Jedi Padawan Sex Abuse

Palpatine may have been a monster, but never intended to just groom and abuse Anakin. All force lightning and torment was reserved for moments when his crippled apprentice overstepped his bounds or in attempts to rouse his protégé from oneitis caused depression. Sadly, Anakin refused to attempt to seek further power and improve himself. That's why the emperor saw Vader as an eventual dead end and put him out of his misery as a kindness the Sith can afford to spare.

yeah Obi Wan is the abuser .

Had he loved Anakin as he claimed, he would have attempted to put him out of his misery on Mustafar. Yet he did not.

>Luke, Darth Vader totally killed your father
Obi-wan's a piece of shit

>Ok Groomer.

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