The boys thread

What's the reason many Any Forums seems to love and prise the comic and dislike & hate the show while the show is obviously better ?

Also, cool action figures line,
but I am disappointed that they didn't scope the face of Translucent

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Copy/pasting from a thread the other day with some elaboration
Despite the shitty 00s Ennis Edge™ that makes up most of the comic, it still has a very strong sense of character development and narrative progression. I love the comic solely for how well done the last two arcs are. It fulfils both Hughie and Butcher's arcs in a completely satisfying way while also managing to use them to make a wider and genuinely touching point about masculinity that comes out of nowhere and works perfectly. The ending is great in spite of the all the gore, sex, and general edginess before it, and honestly it's worth pushing through all that just to get to the finale. At a fundamental level Ennis understands how to make good, satisfying characters and a good, satisfying story.
Sure the first season of the show was initially better than the source material, and made some good changes like making the Seven into actual characters, but with season 2 they showed that they don't actually have a clue of where they're going or even WHY they're changing stuff so much from the comics. Ennis' solid understanding of narrative and character is completely gone. Starting off with the Seven as the main threat was a smart move at first, but once it became Amazon's biggest hit they decided to stretch it out for longer and immediately ran into the problem that they can't now move away from the Seven. The comic saw the Boys work up to the Seven until Homelander became the final supe threat. But the show can't escalate up from the Seven, nor can it move to a smaller-scale antagonist. Similarly, speeding through Hughie and Starlight's relationship where neither are aware of what the other really is was great, but only if they were planning to do the rest of the story at that pace. Both character and narrative are paralysed by this. Every single character is the same as they were in the first season; the plot has barely moved forwards, and the show has been spinning its wheels ever since.

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This compression and then rapid decompression of the general storyline means that there's no sense of the momentum or growth that the comic consistently had. Even when it was at its worst like having a hamster shoved up a man's ass or dropping sexually abused X-Men children out of a plane, the comic always moved forwards and developed Butcher and Hughie's character throughout everything they did. The best stuff in the comic is all character-based, like the ending and Butcher's backstory, and there's none of that in the show. Show Butcher and Hughie are completely different characters. The closest the show gets to having a good character is Starr's Homelander, who is absolutely great, but despite that he won't be allowed to develop until the final season (whenever that is) where he'll at last go off the rails only to have his head bashed in. I can tell you right now that even if they try to directly adapt the comic's ending, it won't hit home in the same way at all. The show completely lacks the heart of the comic. All it has is the edge, and even then it's watered down compared to the comic so you can't even enjoy it on that level. It may have seemed like an improvement at first, but there's no future or sustainability to it.
At the end of the day, it's just bad product.

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The comic has higher highs and lower lows. Some of the most iconic moments can also never be done in the show. Would have been nice if the show at least adapted the moments people actually liked

They got a great version of the plane scene at least. but that's basically gonna be it

Where's the Stornfront figure?

Yes all this is 100% correct better said than I ever could.
I'm still gonna watch and enjoy the show

I just like watching Homelander. But I don't think they're going to develop him beyond being a cruel psychopath.

Obviously cancelled.

You’ve made some good points but I think you may be missing the forest for the trees in some aspects. The fact that it has drifted so far from the rhythms of the comics means that it may not necessarily have the same ending. You say Ennis fucked around but stuck the landing, it could possibly be the same case here. They’ve already made it clear that things aren’t following the exact same route, so maybe what seems like a bunch of arbitrary changes that won’t fit with the original ending are actually intentional changes towards a new ending. It would be foolish of them to pull a Snyder Watchmen by altering the narrative intent but keeping the original conclusion. While on the subject of Watchmen, that film’s biggest detriment was in how it made no effort to modify the material for the average audience. It’s bad to dumb things down, but the word adapt means to adjust. Watchmen the comic is a deconstruction of superheroes as understood by readers in the 80’s, the film could’ve tried to be a deconstruction of superheroes as understood by audiences in the 2000’s. This is something The Boys show does really well. How it lifts imagery and modern media from the 2010’s to compare cape franchise worship to corporate/government propaganda is something everyone can understand. It would be a mistake to just try to present The Boys as it was in the 2000’s for readers, people wouldn’t get it as much unless of course you were making it a mid-aughts period piece. The mere concession that Hughie couldn’t be just a young Simon Peg the way Ennis clearly envisioned is somewhat symbolic of how it would be impossible to get it exact.

The definitely aren't with the revelation that Black Noir isn't a clone of Homelander created to kill him if he went rogue like he is in the comics

I just like the comic better when it comes to the interactions between The Boys and some of their quirks. IMO the show was only good during the first season when they came up with plans to take down the supes and there was some tension. Plus, Frenchie wasn't useless.

>What's the reason many Any Forums seems to love and prise the comic and dislike & hate the show while the show is obviously better ?
Because the show is popular and Any Forums hates popular things.

Would Stromfornt's merchandise, like her action figure become unavailable or it would ironically increase its prise and collectible value after her nazi reveal ?

Comix does better in terns of the boy's interaction .While the show does better when it comes to the superheros's interaction and Vought side's characters.

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Nah s2 was better than S1 and went deeper into all the characters.

I'm sure it's not at all related to the show bringing up social justice issues like racism, sexual harassment/exploitation, etc. with both more directness and more nuance than the comics ever did. It's less of a satire/criticism of superheroes in general and more uses the superhero trappings to explore other more contemporary issues. You've literally had people expressing this in threads before. At this point anything that borders on criticism of modern far right conservatism is going to get shit on here despite however high quality the material is. Even if said material like the boys show also criticizes neoliberal politics, globalism, corporatization of pride, etc. I mean this is the same board that throws a hissy fit now anytime the red skull says something bigoted in a captain america comic. Not a real head scratcher.

The show is soulless, and has no reason to be an adaptation since all of the plot threads from the comic have been made impossible to follow.

Why couldn't they just cut out the edge? Why'd they have to mangle the story, too?

Wow, fantastically worded.

the show is it's own thing but it took a long while to hit any strides, it was sporadically interesting, but none of the boys had any character to speak off apart from hughie and butcher
and hughie's was really minimal even tho jack tries his hardest to be charismatic.
butcher is really lame for the most part but has the strongest characterization of them all.

seven are decent
but by far the only saving grace is the commentary of modern corporative bs and its transparent moralization for cash, and current trends about unapogetically being an asshole is KEEEWL because the masses are massively retarded.

>Buying a 90% burnt, one eyed, missing limb having action figure with lightning fast handjob action
Damn. Now that you mention it that would sell like hotcakes