Wypipo, I

Wypipo, I...

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This comic made white people so mad that they make a post about it on Any Forums once a week. You have to let it go dude.

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is this comic even popular enough to warrant these threads being made frequently?

>mayonaise hands typed this post

It's useful for the alt-rights recruiting tactics.

No, but racebait is, and that's what these threads are actually for.

Not vegeta's wife had a baby and during labor as she was giving birth, she asked the assisting nurse what was behind her ear It was the baby

Why do racists cry so hard about this comic when the very next one has a white woman getting the same stuff and then demands the real spicy one and even says that is too bland?

>venture across the world and conquer backwards savages for spices
>this means white people don't like spicy food.

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Getting offended at everything is their class perk.

So in your worldview were those "backwards savages" not using the spices already?

the white guy is cute; i'd love to dick him down

context only matters if you see it

remember; white people crave spice so hard that they burnt your ancestor's homes, destroyed thier civilizations, and genocided them, created the largest empires ever known in human history and reshaped the entire fucking PLANET just for some fucking pepper.

You better pray white people don't get spice hungry again.


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I don't get it.

now post Italian comcis or Benelux comic books

They'd do that even if the spices weren't there though. That's just their Tuesday.

>record-holder for most Carolina reapers eaten in a minute
uhhhhhhhh, blackbros??? I thought spicy food was OUR thing???

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The wife is a clown/magician.
And also a midget with boobs the size of her head.

>moorish rape babies


I can't handle spicy food. But I think that's more to do with autism than my whiteness.



What's the deal with Scarfaced Sonic Brown Bro? I wouldn't buy food from somebody with hair that stupid.

Not him, where the fuck are you pulling this from?

I used to be able to, but I fucked up my stomach years ago. Now I have to take a pill daily or I get vomit inducing acid reflux from anything spicier than white bread.

The comic is still racist.

When are they going to add Literally Me?

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Didn't even try to hide it. First panel. Computer screen. User Profile Picture. Sus.

>Look, saying a race is subhuman primitive inherently criminal scum that deserves to be put to death, that's just bantz. But saying someone's food is under seasoned? That shit is is below the belt!

There apparently only two kinds of people in the world.