Tom & Jerry

What do you consider the best Tom & Jerry short ? For me it has to be Zoot Cat.

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Trap Happy

The ones where their asses are the biggest

Neapolitan Mouse and Busy Buddies.

I love everything about Tom and Jerry but its always special to me when they work together. Those two i mention are just my favorites.

Lets face it we'll never be this cool.

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Texas Tom

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Tough call. My favorite scene out of any of the them is always going to be the climax from Kitty Foiled.
For episodes, hmmm...I've always like Solid Serenade but The Yankee Doodle Mouse and Fraidy Cat are two of my favorites.

The one where Tom has Batman wings

Is tom and jerry chase fun? I've tried multiple times to find a way to play it but its just not going to happen for me.


Or when Jerry gets rekt.

The episode I most remember though, is the ones where Tom dies. The one where he is damned to hell unless Jerry signs a paper to forgive him, and the one where he gets executed by guillotine.

>that part where goes to the gates of heaven and every cat in line is there as they looked in the moment of their death and one of the entries in line is a wet sack tied shut with a rope and it's full of kittens

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Mouse Cleaning or Old Rockin' Tom.
Those are my childhood favorites. But I love a shitload of T&J shorts. Casanova Cat, Yankee Doodle Mouse and Busy Buddies are up there as well for me.

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Mouse Cleaning is a great one, it's shame Warner Bros. will never release it.

People actually like this? I thought John K officially made it uncool.

Mouse Trouble

Idk about best but I remember really liking the one where Jerry has like an underground jazz club in his hole in the wall. Something comfy about hidden/underground spaces


>John K.
He has unironic shit taste, despite his talents

Johann Mouse is masterpiece.

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What's with Tom dating cubs? Humm

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I agree