Tom Taylor

Is there a shitter prominent Big 2 writer today than him?

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King but it's damned close isn't it

Tom King at least has Grayson and Omega Men. Tom Taylor has basically never written anything good and he still keeps getting work

Well he has a goatie

>Grayson and Omega Men
Those aren't good at all.

Injustice. I haven't read it but it seems to get genuine love

He has such a punchable face. Is that like a job requirement at DC now?

So what moron?

Injustice is and always has been complete shit largely liked by 75IQs.

Tom Taylor is best writer DC COMICS has at the moment

I didn’t mind Taylor’s friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man

>Dan Slott
>Jason Aaron
All three are worse

Grayson is bad. Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow and Superman Up in the Sky were good though.

Taylor is mid. He's not terrible. He doesn't ruin characters, he just doesn't do anything groundbreaking with them. And sometimes he makes some enjoyable feel-good fanservice that's easy to circulate as a panel on Twitter.

His one lingering ball-and-chain is creating these Secret Long-Lost Sister OCs. For Laura Kinney, Damian Wayne in Injustice, and now Dick Grayson in Nightwing.

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Taylor's a closet case himself right? Son of Superman seems like secret wish fulfillment on his part.

None of these guys are prominent any more. Maybe Aaron but he's not worse than Taylor.

Aaron is no where close to levels of Taylor

He ruined Laura

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Most of his stuff is shit but Dark Reign legitimately looked promising.

I think someone at sees him as the link to roping in younger cape shit fans (you can literally do this just by putting out quality animated shows)

but Taylors writing is so cringe worthy and boring that he ends up alienating everyone

>And sometimes he makes some enjoyable feel-good fanservice that's easy to circulate as a panel on Twitter.
That's literally who he's writing for.

Steve Orlando is worse but not as high a profile

friendly neighborhood spider-man and most of all new wolverine, I'll stand by Honeybadger