Cats Don't Dance

It bombed at the box office

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>It bombed at the box office
So? Does that matter when it's such a good movie? It bombed because of poor marketing. This was the perfect 90s animated musical.

So had it been properly marketed, do you think it would have been a success?

Most likely, yes.

>Spend money on movie
>Movie is good
>Nobody knows about it
>Spend money on marketing
>Movie is bad
>Everybody goes to see it

Why can't I find it on netflix or any other streaming service. It was my introduction to musical theatre, which I've developed an overt love for. I only realized it when I went back and tried to divine where I'd heard "Applause, Applause, Soniferous Applause" from in my past and it wasn't Give A Girl A Break. Eventually I whittled it down to this stupid movie. I hate furries, but music is the language of the soul. Fuck this movie but god damn I need it.

>I hate furries
Their cartoons, not people in several thousand dollar animal costumes.

Unfortunately warner wants to bury it as they barely gave it any advertising and presumably wrote it as a tax write off

>[Albert] Brooks has revealed that [Stanley] Kubrick was so taken by Modern Romance that the director actually phoned him—a pivotal interaction after the film failed to make an impression at the box office. From Esquire:
>“He saved my life,” Albert says. “I was so depressed; I didn’t understand the movie business, I didn’t know what was happening, and he said, ‘This is a brilliant movie—the movie I’ve always wanted to make about jealousy. You will not understand what I’m saying, but you must believe me: The studio decides before the movie is ever released how it’s going to do. It has nothing to do with you.’“

Good movie. Hollywood, man

Marketing was crucial for kid movies before the internet. Kids want what they see on TV, and there probably weren't any television commercials even made for this.
I know. Not on Netflix, not on Hulu... is it on HBO Max? It's available on Amazon Prime for a price and as much as I want to watch it, I don't want to pay to watch it.
Warner was willing to trot out The Iron Giant as if it was a hit. It's probably a lot cheaper to dust off some old IPs that didn't get a good shake when they were first released than it is to make entirely new characters. Discovery would probably like that too since they're kind of stingy right now.

Honestly, the characters in the film are developed enough to hold their own for a television series. Might find a good niche on HBO Max as well.

>Financial gains are the only metric for a folms worth.

Capeshit and the MCU have officially ruined movies. It was never this bad in the blockbusters era.

Capeshit and other high-budget special effects heavy movies are the only thing that makes a profit at theaters now, and if it's not MCU odds are it will flop.

Fuck theaters. Theaters offer a worse movie-viewing experience than standard living rooms now.

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It was replayed on Cartoon Network(when they were good) and it gained a following. It got a VHS and later DVD.

we need to see more of darla

So did Morbius

She was such a great villain. She is the only villain in animation that I can think of that sings in a soprano.

Children make great villains. Kids can both relate and hate to them while adults are reaffirmed that children are little shits.

That and I want more ass and porn of her.

HI blitz

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It's a fucking crime that this movie still doesn't have a Bluray.

Holy fuck

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I suspect it didn't have much of an advertising budget. Also, it was competing with Disney's Hercules and Fox's Anastasia.