Wolverine's body can create new cells out of nothing

>Wolverine's body can create new cells out of nothing.
>Every time he heals, his powers make him stronger and faster, and he's able to regenerate faster.
>Even if his brain is completely destroyed, his memories and skills will still be intact once it regenerates.
>Not only capable of surviving the vacuum of space, but reentry too.
>Even if he's drowned, his healing factor will keep bringing him back to life.
>Can survive getting nuked.
>Pic related.
Okay, at this point, why does Marvel insist on pretending that his mutant power is just accelerated regeneration?

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>speed of dark
That's a stupid bullshit edgy line and I love it.

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Wolverine is such an edgelord. Kinda love it tbqh though.

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can he die by drowning though?

>survive eating his own flesh
>worked because it regenerated
That's... not how it works.

I miss the days when Wolvie had just enough healing to make him capable of serving as the trash clearer while the rest of the team was the power hitters. Where three mooks with machine guns almost took him out, where being impaled by the Silver Samurai took him off the playing field for a month. I just can't take it serious when he gets into melee with Omega-types that could rip him in half, the skeleton might be indestructible but the tendons and flesh holding the bones together aren't. Should've left him as street-level where he belongs and shines.

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It's meat from the meat dimension.

There at least used to be a supernatural explanation, something about Wolverine having to fight some death angel or something every time he got hurt so hard he should have died.
But that was resolved and the intention was that since then, he could die and wouldn't survive things like being burnt down to the bone anymore. And yet, here we are.

Of course now we've got the Krakoan resurrections, and that's fine, but the whole thing started in HOXPOX with Wolverine and that giant Sentinel factory falling into the sun and dying. But later, as shown in this page, he survived swimming in lava. The sun is hotter than lava but man, if he could survive this and somehow move his bones without even muscles attached tot hem, who's to say the Wolverine from HOXPOX is not up there still hanging out in the sun?

It'll "kill" him, but he'll keep coming back. Basically, he'll be stuck in a loop of dying and resurrecting.

Everyone is ignoring a skeleton cant move without muscles.

He is moving by literal magic.

I dunno if "everyone" is ignoring it, or just hack comicbook writers who have zero concept of biology and the readers are left forcing to accept it.

Its like, every year or so some NYC or LA artist draws bullets flying through the air, with bullets drawn as still in their cartridge. They don't know. They just don't know, they have zero knowledge in this area and they mess up. During the Iraqi War this lady claimed she pulled these bullets from her wall.

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If the flesh just regenerates why does he need to eat anyway

Based Nimrod doesn't care about Wolverine power-wank

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Regenerating cells from nothing makes it seem like he is connected to a supernatural force or entity rather than just having a genetic mutation.

Seems to me his regen is just a by-product. Like his body is just an avatar while his real self is his soul or something. The physical flesh is just a way for him to interact with the material world.

mutant powers work out of borrowing energy/matter from other dimensions/universe
its never been explicitly stated but infered fan knowledge at this point.
wolverines is a tricky case as most of the time his life mutant powers effected are locally generated from his actual physical body but in moments like this his powers cheat and basically borrow matter and energy from across dimensions to function.
marvel multiverse unlike dc is big on the concept of borrowing powers from other sources.
all marvel magic relies on this gimmick the dimensional demons gods from c’thon to dormamamu and yes even marvels lord of hell mephisto is also a dimensional demon god are actually all weak as fck if you were to take away their respective dimensions from them.
its a reoccurring motiff in marvel that many people don’t seem to realize.
it also expands to power cosmic which borrows the borrow of abstracts such as eternity who in turn derive their power from the head honcho of marvel TOAA.
this is also why magic users in marvel lose almost every fight against a power cosmic user as their power source is on a lower scale.
i could explain more about this topic but i’m way too tired atm basically “it just works” is the best explanation towards mutant non sense.
seeing as how mutants are basically celestial-lites and every mutant power is a scaled down version barring a few exceptions it doesn’t necessarily need to make logical sense.

I hate when the x-men go magical, it's stupid enough that Cyclps's eyes are portal to a dimension full of "Kinect photons", what's wrong with just saying his eyes shoot laser?

>centuries of combat experience
>nearly invincible
>always the first to job
Why is Wolverine so pathetic, lads?

x men have always been magical.
they are the literal children of celestials who in turn are children of TOAA.(technically everyone in marvel is but celestials and abstracts have a special place)
trying to deny their heritage is wrong.
marvel is nothing like dc and magic is more omnipresent in the setting for good or bad.
why do you think there are even x genes that interact with magic at all?
do you seriously think when franklin richards or mad jim jasper alter reality that they aren’t using what could be effectively described as magic?
the thing about marvel is magic is literally omnipresent in it.
power cosmic is basically the state approved magic and mutants by proxy as celestial bastard children are also using it whether consciously or unconsciously this is also why when actively empowered power cosmic humans like reed richards and susan storm have a child it ends up becoming the single most powerful mutant in all of marvel existence.

Temper makes him rush into things carelessly. This is one of the most common characteristics traceable in jobbers, as exemplified by the ruling champion if the category.

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this is why people need to understand the main differences between dc and marvel is how wide spread magic is.
in dc magic is very insular only a few beings use it. it has almost no impact on many of the scifi races like kryptonians,martians,etc who gained their powers through conventional evolution.
in marvel almost everyone superpowered is a magic user by proxy.
many of what you’d think are seemingly normal evolutionary changes to marvel lifeforms were caused by celestial interference(ie magic induced evolution)
this is why its so hard for someone from dc whose used to his more scientific grounded multiverse compared to marvels wishy washy one.
its why we get people who don’t realize that both multiverses cosmology are set upon completely different foundations.

Fucking lovin' it. Top-tier /k/ material on par with the mango.

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