All the innocents who suffer from your stubbornness and pride!

>all the innocents who suffer from your stubbornness and pride!
Excuse me?
Ramses had sovereign right to keep the slaves where they are, why is Moses taking the moral high ground when he's representing a foreign deity who is bullying Ramses to give up his sovereignty?
If God was really so powerful he should have just taken the jews away without asking for permission.

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don't care much for the schizo rant, but i really liked this movie.

This is the kind of people who will also complain when the government tries to take away their right to own full arsenals of firearms.

I still crack at the ending of the movie, they wanted to give the movie a happy end but literally the end of the movie is just Moses yeeting the commandments at a Golden Calf.

The pharaoh during the exodus wasn't Ramses. It was Thutmoses III. Thut,MOSES. That guy who had a daughter who adopted a baby and probably named him after her father the pharaoh. Moses. It's also interesting that the first and only pharaoh to change Egypt's religion to monotheism was his son Akhenaten. Like something convinced him that there was one single god.
I don't know how they messed that one up.

>If God was really so powerful he should have just taken the jews away without asking for permission.
Seethe Hotep

It doesn't make any logical sense because it didn't happen. Exodus is a collection of folk tales edited together.

everything was part of God's keikaku [keikaku means plan], the whole thing about hardening the pharaoh's heart, the plagues, the bayblades, everything was part of his intrincated and nonsensical plant to free the slaves he helped to enslave previously.

No one has a sovereign right to own another person

Trips of Truth

It's worse than comic book plots, actually.


The man in gauze,
The man in gauze


If you read the bible (Most tards haven't). The Egyptians invited the Hebrews to come live with them after Joseph helped Egypt and became a high ranking government official. After that, the Egyptians forgot about everything Joseph did and enslaved the Hebrews.

Remember when god trolled Abraham and asked him to kill his son

>Top 10 Pranks that went Too Far

Why do people keep forgetting that God only hardened the Pharaoh's heart after the Pharaoh broke/renigged his oath of word/promise to Moses twice to let his people go?

It seems weirdly convenient people keep leaving this out.

no one has the sovereign right to tell anyone they cant own a person

>Bro wtf I didn't think you'd actually do it

>The Egyptians invited the Hebrews to come live with them after Joseph helped Egypt
mmmmmmmmm No. hebrews got into debt with the egyptians because of joseph, the egyptians had food during the years of drought and started selling it, some people like the hebrews couldn't pay it and instead paid with work, years later their debt just kept increassing and they all ended living in ghettos in egypt and working as slaves to pay their parents and grandparents debt. there were many hebrews who had high possitions and lived way better than the others, those were probably descendants of joseph and his family.

>Are you faithful?
Abraham: Yes.
>Okay, then sacrifice your son to prove it.
Abraham: Yes.
>Hol up, Abraham. You passed the test. You don't have to go through it. Just taking the course of action was enough.
Abraham: Yes.

remember that time God sent an angel to kill moses because his son wasn't circumsized?

uh, so his solution to help Moses free his people was to make everything even more harder?

It was all a test lol

heh. i get it. because of the continent Egypt is on.