Can WB please stop pretending like they give a shit about the Iron Giant...

Can WB please stop pretending like they give a shit about the Iron Giant? Or undeerstood at all what the movie was about?

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I think it's pathetic that they are pulling him out of death to use him as a fucking puppet for nostalgia bait.

Why does he keep coming back?
Why was he even in that Any Forums MMO movie?
Wasn't his film a complete flop?

It was a masterpiece, albeit one that absolutely flopped, and now WB is trying to fuck around with it and pretend they give a fuck.

Are you unironically triggered by a small ass cameo? Really? Like every smash bros game or Ralph break the internet?

t. WB intern

Iron Giant had nice animation and all but i hate boomers and millenials who pretend it's some misunderstood masterpiece like Road to El Dorado, Treasure Planet and other bland 2000's movies with above average animation.

>Calls the Iron Giant bland
>Says Tressure Planet is a understood materspiece

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I like him, so I don't mind him being included in things. If they tried to do an Iron Giant 2 now I'd think it'd be too much and probably be shit, but I don't mind some cameos here and there.
I was upset that LeBron James' plan in Space Jam 2 to put him on a team with his hero Superman never came to fruition, so I'm glad it's actually going to happen in multiversus.

Attached: superman iron giant multiversus.jpg (1920x1080, 394.87K)

I said that Iron Giant and Treasure Planet are from the same ilk: Nice movies that millenials and boomers overrate the fuck out because they bombed.

Iron Giant meeting Superman is nice on paper, but them beating the shit out of each other in a glorfied phone game leaves a sour taste in my mouth, when the whole point of his character is that he's a pacifist. and only went apeshit when it primary programming took over after he thought Hogarth died.

I'd love to see an actual crosover with TIG and DC, this isn't it though

>them beating the shit out of each other in a glorfied phone game leaves a sour taste in my mouth
If they're on other teams, but this one also has a big focus on co-op matches so they can team up as well. Plus, it's a platform fighter so it's all toon damage anyway, they're all just knocked offscreen.

You can try to justify it any way you'd like that doesn't make it good.

>when the whole point of his character is that he's a pacifist
He just doesn't kill he always wanted to be like superman

I agree with you for most of those, but I would say Iron Giant had a slightly better overall message and story than the rest. But yeah, that era of the 2000s where they tried to keep 2D alive was terrible.

And when he's a fucking giant robot on a planet full of humans and doesn't want to kill anything and would even potentially die for them, that makes him a pacifist user, like Superman, who also doesn't like to kill anything and would rather not fight, but existing the DC universe means more often than not he HAS to.

Can you stop being such a whiny faggot about everything?

>that makes him a pacifist user
dude your overthinking it it's just a fighting game actual powerlevels don't matter they can all survive each other's hits. Stop being so autistic

>Anastasia, Prince of Egypt, El Dorado, Titan AE, Osmosis Jones, Spirit, Treasure Planet, Eight Crazy Nights, Sinbad, Brother Bear
agreed. These films had great animation, but they weren't that entertaining or engaging imo. Millenials love them tho

>Prince of Egypt,
>On the same level as Eight Crazy Nights, Brother Bear and Titan AE
Holy shit taste
Why does this board keep finding new ways to disgust and dissapoint me?

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It's not about power levels user, it's about what the core message of the movie was and what those characters stand for.

And sorry if having standards is "autistic"

it's obviously better than those... but not as great as i expected outside of the production values. Overrated


>It's not about power levels user,
>And when he's a fucking giant robot on a planet full of humans and doesn't want to kill anything
This statement was absolutely about powerlevels
>it's about what the core message of the movie was and what those characters stand for.
Dude he simply doesn't kill that's it. If say hypothetically and evil superman came to his world do you think Iron giant would just stand there and do nothing.