Does anyone really like this dude?

Beside the Ravenfags that see themselves as this retard because they haven't grown up since 2003, what's the appeal of this dumbest kid? Do DC executives think readers would like this tryhard? Dude is a total jobber and a try hard, fucking Tim Drake is a better Robin than this retard, when I'm reading a comic I expect the characters to have clear motives with good goals, all this retard wants is, "I'm a better batman because I killed some goons!" Wow what a deep and philosophical motive, what a goofball. It's even more annoying when they try to make him a "badass" by him overpowering established heroes like Wonder woman or established villains like fucking Slade Wilson, are you kidding me?! This dude probably couldn't even beat Koffy Kingson!

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He was tolerable and even likeable in Batman and Robin, Gotham Academy, and Supersons. But everything else, even DCAMU, he's fucking annoying. So I've very mixed with him

Murderhobo characters that are perpetually in an arc where they learn not to be murderhobos are always terrible characters, Damian is no exception.


Yep pretty much because anyone whose read the comics, even Damianfags, will find the Raven x Damian thing distasteful. Also the New 52 movies are a mixed bag, and outside of Superman and the Dark Movie, everyone else was eh. Damian in the movies is soo fucking annoying, and bad.

Robin is one of the DC solos actually worth reading. Probably the best ongoing Batbook at the moment.

Pure shotacon bait for Harley and villain girls and women in general.

I like him

I like him but he is a terrible Robin to Bruce. He should have a different identity but it’s part of his character to see Robin as his birthright till Batman opens up.

Yeah, Supersons is probably the only one I liked mostly because he had great chemistry with Superboy and he wasn't a tryhard like his other counterparts

They completely fucked over an entire character for all time (Tim Drake) just because Morrison wanted to have his usual ego trip. Even if I did like the character, I wouldn't support him out of principle. He is insufferable in everything except in Batman in Bethlehem and SuperSons. Damian should have always been a "what if" elseworlds scenario.

Karma for Tim fucking over Jason.

He fucked over Tim so he's based in my book.

>They completely fucked over an entire character for all time (Tim Drake)

I personally blame both Jason and Damian for fucking up Tim. Jason for making Tim's character as the replacement to Jason now pointless, the being better than his predecessor vibe is now gone with Jason coming back, makes him a little bit more pointless. And Damian for sealing the deal even more.

Jason should have remained dead, as well as Damian.

Are you genuinely retarded? Jason had been dead and Batman needed a new robin. Tim had to work his ass off in order to earn the respect of the bat-family. It was all thrown away because editorial had huge hard ons for Morrison.

What can I say? I like dickish heroes. Plus I love him as Dicks little brother since it's the only time the Robins have actually felt like brothers.

I like Tim, I really do, but I'd feel more sympathetic towards him, if the writers didn't constantly shit-talk Jason in favor of Tim. Reading some post-death, pre-resurrect comics just piss me off when I see that.

Outsider looking in, I love watching batfamily drama. You're all shit

>he was likeable in most of the books he appeared in

This was true for like 5 issues tops. It’s been horrible since.

He was used as a perpetual warning til his resurrection. Doesn't help that Tim was basically his completely opposite and replacement so it's just easy make such stark comparisons

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I’m reading War Games right now.

stop it's terrible and makes several characters look like dumb dickheads. All you need to know is the ending because that kinda stuck for a while

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I miss this period of the Batfamily.

>Timfag want Jason dead
Of course they are