Tim Burton vs Kevin Smith

Who was in the wrong here?

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Both of them

Who cares, they're both pedos


kevin smith is always in the wrong

I love that Kevin Smith is so pathetic he thinks that's a good answer when Batman 89 was a cultural juggernaut



look at the quote on the top left

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Smith definitely seems like the type of person who'd get irate at the change of making Joker the killer of Batman's parents.

Kevin Smith is a fanboy faggot. The only time he was ever good was a Silent Bob since he didn't open his mouth.
Burton is an emo faggot. The man is stuck in this emo gothic phase.
With all my ranting typed out. I prefer Burton > Smith.

The only good thing to come out of Batman 89 is Party Man and B:TAS (the ACTUAL cultural Juggernaut.)

That's pretty much my opinion. For me, Burton has little to offer but Kevin Smith has nothing to offer.

>Batman the animated series

>I prefer Burton > Smith.
It stands to reason a pretentious emo goth faggot would have a better handle on Batman than a pedantic comic book fanboy faggot.

t. soi flustered at the truth

post brown

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Batman 89 was a much, MUCH bigger deal than BTAS. BTAS wouldn't even exist without Batman 89.


>I was never a giant comic book fan, but I've always loved the image of Batman and The Joker. The reason I've never been a comic book fan - and I think it started when I was a child - is because I could never tell which box I was supposed to read. I don't know if it was dyslexia or whatever, but that's why I loved The Killing Joke, because for the first time I could tell which one to read. It's my favorite. It's the first comic I've ever loved. And the success of those graphic novels made our ideas more acceptable. - Tim Burton

Burton walked right into that one.

Burton's Batman was kino

why? He liked The Killing Joke