How many have you watched?

How many have you watched?
You are the biggest pleb in the history of the human race. No one is this uneducated. Stop lying to me.
Uber-Pleb. You post awful threads in Any Forums about Hazbin Hotel, Owl House, or Steven Universe. You think Bojack Horseman is a "deep" show. If you see anything besides a YA cartoon you automatically recoil because you're unable to comprehend it. You have no knowledge of animation outside of the US. You probably don't even like animation unless it has stuff you can coom to. Get some fucking taste or better yet, go eat a shotgun sandwich.
Average pleb. You probably have extremely narrow taste and are in high school. Grow the fuck up and educate yourself.
Entry-level faggot. You like to tell people that you are into underground or indie animation but if you talk to anyone about animation besides your parents or your dipshit normalfag friends you will realize you don't know shit besides the absolute bare basics
You are SO close to not being a pleb but just when you are about to win the respect of your peer you go and say something fucking idiotic like "The Moomin show is better than the comics". There is hope for you, keep working at it.
You are stepping your toes in the water of the vast ocean that is patriciandom. No one will be impressed with your film knowledge but you will be ridiculed way way less than you used to be. Good for you.
You did it. You are a true patrician. You braved the most abrasive harsh visuals known to man, you have had religious experiences to pure animated kino, you realize how great Paper Rad and Problem Solverz are.
You are John K. How did you find Any Forums John? We love your work.

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I don’t watch obscure things because they are obscure, but 4.

I watched Kevin Spencer 50 times, what does that make me?

Bro I told you your chart is invalidated by even considering putting Problem Solverz in there

very patrician, but try the other stuff on this chart

You're supposed to hide the troll recs a row or two in, not start with them.


I checked out like 20 but didn't finish all of them

only 4, but Fist of The Borf Star isn't on here so the list creator is a pleb themselves

All animation is for plebs.

Switch Dan Vs. or Moral Orel with Chirpy

Attached: Chirpy.jpg (320x213, 18.22K)

You're only right about the coom thing but wrong about it being the only reason I like something, rather coomable properties enhance a show's enjoyment to me but the lack of it doesn't impact it negatively. I've actually wanted to get more into shows and have even discovered shows because I saw porn of it and wanted to get better context.

hahahaha you're a faggot

>dan vs, fritz the cat, dilbert, the maxx, the surreal dilbert thing next to tamers
hazbin sucks
steven universe sucks. but the owl house is kino.
bojack horseman is not deep and even if it were deep it is still a bad show
>caring about animation outside of america or like half of europe
by the way problem solverz is dogshit

why the hell isnt this on there

Attached: workerandparasite.png (340x191, 83.32K)


The ones with a line-through I’ve watched/read
The ones circled I’ve heard of and intend to watch, but haven’t gotten around to it yet
What should I check out next?

Attached: 15CEE9BC-736D-432D-8389-42D6DC4EB625.jpg (1841x1795, 857.72K)

>What should I check out next?
the rest of the list

>if you haven't watched it you're a pleb!
What if I haven't watched them, but I know of their existence and plan to watch them some day?
I've actually watched about 12 of these but I've heard and have a general knowledge of about 60% of the things in this pic.

Slav here. First of all, based for including Glass Harmonica, but cringe for including Buratino of all things. Why? It's just a mediocre (albeit decent-looking) adaptation of our Pinocchio rip-off, leaving out half the book at that because it was a miracle if you could make an animated movie in USSR that lasted more than an hour Why not include something truly based from the Soviet era like The Adventures of Mowgli, Treasure Island or Adventures of Captain Wrongel instead? Or my personal favorite, The Cat That Walked By Itself, the puppet parts are cute and all but the hand-drawn parts are absolutely amazing

I flipped through Maus at a book store once. I only seek out big budget/mainstream stuff that fits my comfort zone. That goes for movies, books, games, music, etc.