Any Forums hates Hamster and Gretel

>Any Forums hates Hamster and Gretel
>Any Forums hates Milo Murphy
>They are the exact same humor and type of show as Phineas and Ferb
Is it finally, FINALLY, time to admit Phineas and Ferb was not a good show and you only circlejerk it because of nostalgia being the biggest cartoon of the late 2000s?

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My dick likes milo and murphey

No, Phineas and Ferb is a great show. The spinoffs are just lame, just like owl house is a lame spinoff of gravity falls and steven universe is a lame spinoff of adventure time.

these are all shows for babies

t. can't breed

Milo is cute.

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>A bad Super Hero parody with background characters as the MCs retroactively makes a good show bad because it shares creative staff

It was good at first but then it focused too much on the music and flanderized candace and just kind of seemed out of ideas for what phineas and ferb should do for the day.

>Any Forums hates Hamster and Gretel
>Any Forums hates Milo Murphy
>if i keep posting this every single day then eventually someone will think it's true
lolno, die mad about it

Phineas and Ferb is a good show.

I mean I've always hated Phineas and Ferb.

Imagine thinking Any Forums's opinion is worth jackshit, they like Turning Red

We haven't even SEEN one episode of Hamster and Gretel.

YOUR opinion isn't worth jackshit.

You're not a woman

You're not even close to a man OR a woman.

Maybe it'll grow on us. But initial trailers make it seem kiind of dead creativity and animation wise. I will say the relationship between Gretel and her brother is genuine and could work later on but for now that's all we can see. The superhero stuff also feels overdone and tired.

Regardless Disney seems to believe in it because they got a 30 episode order. Which to date only Big City Greens and Phineas and Ferb have gotten.

Go praise your tumblr goblinas

Why don't you go pray at the altar of your redditor gremlins?

Try to make some sense goblina

Are you done samefagging yet?
