DC Pride: Tim Drake Special #1

Releases in 14th June, are you guys excited? Finally we are going to see some cute kisses between Tim and Bernard! :3

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>Reduce to Pride Month degeneracy
How did Tim sink so low?

>not tim and kon

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He always liked LGBT stuff

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They wanted ti kill TimKon and JonDami but all they've done is drive the fujins deeper into those ships.

Will Bernard fuck Tim's ass while Bart fucks Dick's ass?

I wonder how much hetero's gonna be in Kon's new book. Not that I mind. Almost all heroes are at least somewhat bi.

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>"Always liked LGBT"
>Pic in question is provided company to a friend who was complaining about going to Pride Parade by himself.
>Pic in question happened in 2015. 7 years ago within 40+ years of his existence

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Hetero has been a constant presence in all his comics and fujos never gave a shit before. The only thing that could possibly divide their attention (which is already split between Kon and Jason) is making Bernard an interesting character.

Not sure why you're taking a shitpost seriously, but I'm also not sure why you're trying to suggest Tim wouldn't be pro all of that shit. He's an urban teenager. The most unbelievable thing about him is how few of his friends are gay.

Wayne Family Adventures is trying I think. It's strangely shippy for BruJay and JayDick so JayTim doesn't need to compete.

Wayne Family Adventures is trying harder with all the characters than the canonical comics. It's almost embarrassing. Them getting Tim and Bernard in physical contact for the first time when the comics have had a year is just insane.


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I just want some resolution with steph. I don't have any expectations of them ever walking this back or TimSteph ever being a thing again, but really, Steph has been a more important character to Tim than even Kon, no matter what they were trying to push in the 2000's. Let them have some interaction before they get pushed to the opposite corners of Gotham as they try to ignore the first 130 issues of Tim's solo run and the last ~6 years of stories.

Tim and Steph have been not yet dating and then broken up far longer than they were together and only got back together via retcon. They should hash it out on the page, but let's not pretend this was some great defining romance or that she was ever as important as Kon.

>hat she was ever as important as Kon.

user, Kon was a non factor in Tim's own book most of the time. Johns pushed that shit hard and it ended up making him seem obsessive when Kon died. Its never been good for his characterization and they were best when they were borderline rivals.

I'm sad Tynion didn't get to right his Tim Drake series. I can't blame him for taking a huge payout from Snyder's doomed business cause he can always go back. But he would have really killed that book.

Oh man. What are they gonna do to poor Steph? They gonna use her as Tim's cheerleader? Token sassy female friend? Good ally if she's a cheerful little accessory who serves Tim's journey, homophobic bitch if she displays any hurt or negative emotion.

I'm unfairly pre-judging the book before it even comes out, but I've definitely seen that kind of stuff before.

Shippy? Like in a romantic incestuous sense? Bruh, they're family. Jason never got the chance to make many connections. It makes sense he's closest to Bruce and Dick. I literally don't see anything shippy in WFA at all. (Under the Red Hood had a LOT of uncomfortable subtext, but Jason's psyche has been really sanitized ever since New 52.)

Dick is way more affectionate with Wally, Donna, and Damian.

I don't even consider Jason as Tim's brother since they never grew up together, so I wouldn't see them as incestuous, but they wouldn't have any chemistry anyway. Why do people ship Jason and Tim? They both have way better dynamics with other characters.

Lastly, I say Tim's friend Ives would've been a better love interest than Bernard.

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It's always the way. Once a character is made into a minority being a minority is all they will ever be.
Look at Kyle Rayner's hispanic ancestry. When it was introduced it was a sign of just how disconnected he was from his family that he didn't even know about it, now he's throwing random Spanish words into his sentences like he's fucking Speedy Gonzalez.
It's even worse for Tim because this was explicitly diversity bait from the start.

>Look at Kyle Rayner's hispanic ancestry

You mean how it was ignored for two decades and now you're angry when it's actually made to give Kyle some more depth instead of being empty lip service/trivia on a fan wiki?

Yeah, having him randomly shove AY PAPI ME GUSTA into his lines is totally "giving him depth"...

>Finally we are going to see some cute kisses between Tim and Bernard! :3
You do realize that it's just a reprint of the Urban Legends stories where Tim comes out and it has no new material in it whatsoever