ITT: Cartoons only you watched

ITT: Cartoons only you watched

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>Corneil and Bernie
Us UKchads know it as 'Watch My Chops'

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I don't even know these shows

The obscure shows I know are stuff like Yakkity Yak and Monster Buster Club

They rebooted it years later with terrible animation quality. I think the second run only lasted one season.

yeah, all the episodes are on youtube.

Wtf you're lying

Let's see if anyone here remembers this obscurity

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Knowing the amount of zoomers who post here, i expect no one.

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This is the reboot? Looks the same as I remember

season 2 is the revival, season 1 are the original episodes.

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Remember that Australia-made show about kung fu animals that they had the balls to title Chop-Suey Chinks or something like that

Chop Socky Chooks? I think that was an Aardman production

Ah. Watching the first episode of season 2 it doesn't look awful, just cheap.

This one looks neat

are these really considered 'obscure'?
I thought they were mildly popular at the time

This show has such a catchy theme, it's why I remember it

Well at least I liked it...

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Prince of the Dinosaurs

I preferred the books

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