Polygamy Thread

Polygamy is cool and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

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This will cause problems.
Don't let the frogs find this thread.

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So you enjoy not getting any?

>Muh woke capeshit
Polygamy is just another vein in the cancerous cyst.

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It is cool. And superheroes should do it more.

Even young Cable would on a date with Pixie and Armor.
And later he dated all 5 Stepford Cuckoos at once.

I think ya'll just greedy

You say greedy, I say ambitious.

I had 2 gf's at once for awhile, shit was amazing

Marvel really should just settle the Spider-Man issue by having him hook up with Betty and Liz

While love triangles are gay drama shit, I dislike this shit they're doing because it's not real.
This shit doesn't work IRL. I can't relate to these characters.

IRL it’s a hambeast of a woman and 2+ losers.

Of course someone who couldn't get ONE lover would find the idea of two to be unrealistic.

Marstonchads rise up.

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Polygamy only works if all three parties love each other equally. If they do, then its one of the greatest things ever.

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Pete has experience

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Speaking of which, how long before DC puts Diana in a poly relationship

Soon I hope.

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I feel like DC will have Diana be the hero to enter a poly relationship. With all the LGBTIAQ++ stuff, Poly is the next thing.

Diana, or one of the Wondergirls , seems like the hero they will promote it with.

They can't get any so they want it all

If there are two or more guys, it's gay.