What made Teen Titans Go so successful?

What made Teen Titans Go so successful?

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people hated it a lot so a lot of attention was created

It makes money and will continue to do so until the end of time.

fpbp btw

People hated Breadwinners too but that failed.

Executive force.

it's runs on fetishforce which is stronger than normal toonforce

Attached: raven-jacket-full.jpg (2047x1080, 559.09K)

exhibit B

Attached: raven-legasus-show.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

that was my shit and it didn't have:
>hate from fans of the previous series
>new fans
>faggots who supported it in spite of the haters

and fetish shit


>yet another quantityfag thread

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Okay thats based.

The higher ups groomed kids into liking it by spamming 24/7 7 days a week

>What made Teen Titans Go so successful?
Kino. Pure kino.

Attached: TTG kino.jpg (1080x1935, 438.7K)

it was just that cheap to make.

Attached: batfire.jpg (1280x2880, 915.59K)

Attached: troq-robs-kryptonian.png (1280x720, 575.45K)

Good voice actors
Funny...when you're baked/hopped up on pain killers.

The rest of this shit had a creepy gay message or cost too much or didn't have the backing of WB.

I don't get it though.
Starfire and Raven are legitimately more well known and well liked with little girls then WW harley quinn catwoman etc etc.

Why aren't they pushing them?

- Colourful and Loud.
- Everyone is always shouting.
- Extremely cheap, fast and easy to produce.
- Made ample use of recognizable source materials.
- Remembered who the target audience was(Children) and how to profit from them. No pandering to the 1% Adult Tumblr Viewers.

Kids just love wacky colorful shit.
Uncle Grandpa was very succesful too but CN canned it because parents absolutely hated it; the gross art probably made them more aware of the show's garbage content wheres TTG somehow avoided this.