Haha what if an older woman gets freaky with a little kid

>haha what if an older woman gets freaky with a little kid
based coming from Disney.

Attached: 1624456561692.png (625x625, 500.29K)

What if they did this same type of scene except the other way around

they're just dancing

Later they'd dance horizontally.

Then it would be the plot of Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm

Is there a gif?

tfw you will never be a brown princelet who gets viciously bred by a southern heiress

Ah yes, just a dance. No long term plans being orchestrated here at all, no siree. Just ignore how a mere dance with Prince Naveen
made her think a marriage proposal wasn't far behind! Yes, just a dance.

Attached: Operation Groom is now a go.png (400x550, 346.38K)

>Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
user is just a dance

Yep, they definetly fucked

That's a massive cock to have at his age

Yes, she does nothjng with the little kid.
Not so much ten years down the line however.

This is supposed to be a cute joke, like how a father or male figure takes his daughter or platonic friend to the prom just to dance with her. Although I'm sure she's thinking ahead just in case when he gets older and thinks about her as a possible wife material, the audience is supposed to find that funny

but also
>double standard grooming
Sure there are woman rapists but not enough of them to be truly stigmatizing like men and male pedo's go extremely overboard to their victims so society has more turbo hatred for them than a woman that's just humping a kid against their will. Both are still scum fucks that should rot in prison though, that's not debatable.


She's like 18. She's a kid herself

>Garabatoz has entered the chat

Ok groomer degenerate. Now face the wall.

Completely ruins all his art

>like how a father or male figure takes his daughter or platonic friend to the prom just to dance with her.
That sounds like some creep shit

Were you aware that it's actually traditional for the bride's father to do this with the bride at American weddings? Always creeped me the fuck out

What level of sincere antisocial disorder is required to make posts like these lol