Make a pooh horror movie instead of the most faithful animated adaptation of the pooh books

>make a pooh horror movie instead of the most faithful animated adaptation of the pooh books
explain to me why public domain is good

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Because it means you could also do an faithful adaptation, without getting in legal trouble.

When it isn't, on the other hand, the corporation can fucking ruin everything with their garbage and take down everything that they don't own.

See: Warhammer 40k

The only Pooh that matters to the world is Disney's Pooh. A.A. Milne is no doubt still cursing them from beyond the grave to this day.

Not a comic. Not a cartoon. Get out.

Its a reactionary thing
Also, was this thread sponsored by Disney? The copyright noose is getting closer, the first iteration of Mikey is already gone if i remember right and i wouldn't be surpriced if there's hired shills out there trying to change the general mindset of the "public domain"

Because the fact someone has the choice to do that at all is healthy for the arts and storytelling. Cry more about it you fucking snivelling corporation lapdog.

These bad interpretations of public domain properties will never top the Disney version (if it exists).

it isn't. it is morally repulsive that anyone is ever able to speak or think anything without giving their entire life savings to Disney. you owe it to them. they own your thoughts. they literally own your thoughts. every second you spend thinking without Disney's permission is a second you've stolen, commie, and in ancient times they would have cut off your hands for it. die

It isn't why can't these lazy hacks just come up with their own characters and shit.

Woah, what is Bob Chapek doing in Any Forums? Love your work dude

>5 Disney mentions already
funny cuz OP didn't bring them up at all. come up with an actual argument for pooh horror movie.

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I'm a professional booba inspector and let me tell you, that is indeed a good booba.

Rule 43. The more beautiful and pure a thing is - the more satisfying it is to corrupt it
Distorting something safe and innocent into something dangerous is one of the most powerful ideas in the horror genre.

> literally, one adaptation is made that user doesn't like

How many times are you going to make this thread, retard? The last Matrix movie sucked balls. Giant corporations can take a shit on their IP too. The benefit of public domain Pooh is that if someone has a better idea they are free to do it. Nobody can touch The Matrix for several more decades.

stop shilling this stupid fucking film. You're like the Dark Scoobie Doo dickhead trying to manufacture discussion. Concentrate on making something good instead.

I promise you Disney doesn't give 2 shits about Any Forums. The idiots here are not a profitable demographic.

Dude, how many times have you done this very same thread already?
The books already exist. If you want an original flavor Pooh go read them.
Shit or not, however, this is a Pooh product of a kind that hasn't existed before.

What exactly is wrong with corporations owning their own creations exactly and what stories that aren't owned by corporations but by a single creator.

It isnt, and only commiefags would disagree.

>"The're no shills on Any Forums"
Pretty sus

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>The books already exist.
They will be forgotten and overwritten by the newer works just look at what happened to King Arthur.

>I promise you Disney doesn't give 2 shits about Any Forums.

That's what a shill would say.

Commies are the one against the public domain, though.

So I guess Any Forums is a board for posting whatever random bullshit you want. I thought it was supposed to be about comics and cartoons, but apparently it's yet another Any Forums run off.

Disney actually has the moral rights to own everything, whether they created it or not, because they have enough money for it. They should just lobby the government to give them control of all IP past present and future

It's just someone constantly spamming the movie, either it's some kind of viral marketing for the film or Disney is paying someone to shit on it

Disney didn't create Winnie the Pooh.

I'm actually wondering if Disney might have commissioned the movie to make their big PR push to pass infinite copyright. (Think of the children! If we don't pass infinite copyright, Shitty Slasher Pooh will be all they've ever known!)

>Pooh but a cute anime girl
I can live with that.
You still can get Pooh books anywhere, user. Just order them online. It won't even take you 5 minutes.

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Doesn't look like Get Out to me.

Because people like you are giving it free press and keeping it viral, which they counted on.

You know what user, I hate you.
I’m going to watch the horror Pooh movie because I hate you.
I’m going to watch it a bunch of times.
In theaters if I can. On streaming services. Physical media too. I will financially support the creators in any and every way I can.
Even if it’s terrible. If I watch it and hate it, I’ll buy copies and give them away. I’ll buy theater tickets and then leave.
I will shill it here. I will shill it on Any Forums. I will shill it off site. I will shill it on reddit and twitter.
I will encourage all my friends to watch it.
I will hold watch parties.
I will get my whole family to watch it.
I will buy ad space for it.
I will personally see to it that the movie is a success.
Because of you. Because I hate you. I saw that trailer and thought it looked meh, but I will now commit my life to making sure it’s a success.
Because you couldn’t stop shilling for ten seconds. You made the narrative “support this movie or support big corporations,” so I’m choosing to support the Winnie the Pooh horror movie.
Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!

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>The idiots here are not a profitable demographic.
Good Smile Company (AKA the owners of Any Forums who mostly sell toys/figurines to Otaku no-lifes like you) would disagree. They have Disney licensing deals as well.

I'm fine with creators keeping rights to the things they create, but once they die it should be released. Some people believe the estate should hold onto the rights for awhile so that for a bit so the kids can benefit a bit too, but it's stupid to keep ideas under lock and key forever.
Corporations are a bit more tricky since it's rarely the work of one single person. Let them bank on the creation for awhile and make some good money, but after several decades enough is enough.

Dozens of shit interpretations of Romeo and Juliette. No complaints about that. And a good chunk of Disney's libraries are recycled from public domain as well.

Tough shit get better.

Explain to me why you're a shill faggot.

That's what the lead theory was for why they were so slow to respond to Elsagate. We all know it was just shitty clickbait, but it was a conspiracy theory that actually made sense.

I don't really think that's happening in this case though. It's a fairly logical progression from things like The Banana Splits movie.

What if he's shilling the horror Pooh movie through inverse psychology? You're playing into his hand then.
It can even be the next Morbin' time!

I'm not saying "the're" [sic] NO shills on Any Forums. I'm saying Disney specifically doesn't shill here. If they cared about marketing to masturbation addicts they'd adjust their business model.

public domain means you can do whatever you want. Why should anyone default to "faithful adaptation" when the sky's the fucking limit