Wait, Lisa painted the boat? I thought Marge did it since she's the artist and that's one of her few talents

wait, Lisa painted the boat? I thought Marge did it since she's the artist and that's one of her few talents

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They can't allow someone other than lisa to be good at something.

She can't just be a smart girl like she was in the early show, no, she has to be a fucking genius who will be president and everything else because she's the smartest person ever

>I thought Marge did it since she's the artist and that's one of her few talents
I think I do recall an episode where it was implied Marge indeed painted it... but since there's no canon, it might as well be Lisa. In fact, Lisa also built the house and traveled back in time to help Homer revise for his chemistry classes. She's also the daughter of God that is holding the whole universe together. Whatever. I'm glad I haven't been watching this crap for a decade.

The episode is Barthood, not really canon
Also they changed that story before even in the old seasons

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>Whatever. I'm glad I haven't been watching this crap for a decade.
I don't know anyone, of any age range, that still watches FOX on Sunday nights.

Marge has no talents anymore, her talent is mother. Lisa is the one with any and all knowledge and talents.

Stupid people with college degrees thinks relatively smart means cartoonish magic powers.
The very idea that people can Excell at things while no being beholden to the artifice of intelligence that keeps society dumb and stratified is mindbiggling to them.
Polymaths and simply being well learned are twi different things and Lisa us just well learned and a know-it-all pain in the ass.

Most of what we associate with modern Lisa was originally Marge's characterisation. If you go back and watch the first three seasons it's obvious.

It was in the taxes episode right?
Homer was trying desperately to get tax cuts and had the painting be a "work gift" or something and Marge was like "I drew that for you" or something along those lines.
Been a long while so I don't remember proper.

Think it was the episode where they were paying taxes and she mentions it off-hand that she painted it.

Unironically imagine watching a single episodes of the Simpsons not from Seasons 2-8

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El Sneed

user, the people who write the simpsons now have never watched the simpsons before.

Nope, later seasons dictate that ANYTHING good that has ever happened in the Simpsons lives is because of Lisa, because she's so much better and smarter than them and it's nothing but AGONIZING PAIN living with 4 other simpleton so she's a victim at the same time.

Based as fuck

Bart is more of an artist than Lisa.

Lisa is that boring bitch who picks a documentary about history of women in Jazz for movie night. Her sense of art is dry as fuck, she again probably only pick art done by women who somehow broke a barrier.

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one of the future episodes goes into that premise. As jealous as Bart is of Lisa, Bart is still a better artist than her

although they should have made it in music instead of painting. More of an impact, its not like we ever see Lisa paint

Bart musical talent was lost when Lisa tiger bite his arm.

Bart should have been a better lyricist/songwriter.
I can easily imagine a future where he pays the bills doing shitty jingles for TV and radio ads though he had potential for much better stuff though he never really commits.