But why

But why.

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Disney love celebrating diversity and unattractive people

I feel like they purposely pick bad choices for characters because they know they can never hope to match the timelessness of the original. Now, in this case, the Blue Fairy's appearance isn't all that integral but it is a massive jump from the original blondie to this baldie. If she has to same ethereal voice and personality, then I guess it's fine.

Overrepresentation of a minor portion of the overall population.

Bitch. This ain’t the 1940s any more.

or you faggots can stop reacting to things purposely done to get attention, maybe they will stop doing it.
we are what year 7 in defamation advertising, and people just seem to not understand.
the worse part is we arent even a month out before people fell for the last one from disney and we still get threads about it.

You're talking about it aren't you?
I literally would not have known Disney was doing a live action Pinocchio remake if not for these threads. Hell, the first couple of threads I thought we were talking about the netflix one.

Anons don't understand what the Streisand Effect is, likely because Streisand is Jewish

People will never not react to a movie or show they loved as a kid doing drastic shit like changing how a character looks completely, adding unnecessary songs or scenes and pandering to modern sensibilities especially when the original did not need to do that.

It's not like I'm going to watch it

of course not, but the movie is developing in Renaissance Europe.

She has to be bald?

people said the same thing about morbius and how that was meme'd. it went from barely breaking even to doubling its gross in only 2 weeks.

pic related doing the same shit. it didnt hit its projected numbers so now they constructed some bullshit to get people to notice the 1 of what 12 tv shows they have shat out or announce in the past few years. just because you arent watching it doesnt mean others wont.

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That would never work

>Going after gingers no longer satisfy Hollywood
>Now they will go after blondes
Run, Brie, run!
Move your non-existent asscheeks before it's too late!

The trailer is getting nuked with dislikes holy shit, are normies getting more redpilled?

>it didnt hit its projected numbers so now they constructed some bullshit
time to take of the tinfoil hat mate
star wars fans have been notoriously racist and sexist from the start

The thing is that the mongoloids of Any Forums watch shit they don't like to "own" SJWs online
That's why garbage like Revelations and Animaniacs keep getting renewed

she's the turquoise-HAIRED fairy, goddammit!

was it that difficult to give the actress a goddamn blue wig?

You know, doing everything the opposite way is not how progression works. You take what works and you remove what didn't. Beautiful people worked, everyone loved the appearance of the original blue fairy, so why replace it with a gremlin?

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Mores the pity


>was it that difficult to give the actress a goddamn blue wig?
But user, how do you expect to reinforce the African stereotype by giving her hair?

We need the Blue Fairy, not the Bluegum Fairy.

You do know that everytime you talk about the movie it boost its relevance in the algorithm?

At least she's blonde

it certainly helped the female ghostbusters movie
oh wait