Is Meatcanyon the greatest american animator/comedian?

Is Meatcanyon the greatest american animator/comedian?

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I ain't watching this crap. What jokes are there to his video's beside "everyone's grossly detailed and uncanny"?

He makes everything sexual for some reason, so that's apart of it.

no way anyone over the age of 13 is watching this

Zoomers have ruined horror for me.

It's funny because his second channel content of him just talking and doing dumb shit is actually fun, but his animations are pretty terrible on the whole.

I remember Meat Canyon got butthurt by Pewdiepie reacting to his Papa John caricature a few years ago.


because you sound like an irate tranny that needs to dilate


its just we dont have an animation scene on youtube anymore. I mean there is one but aside from meatycanon its all boring safe garbage full of storytime trash and simps who only like it cause its a girl like jaiden animations or whatever

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youtube is not tv

>people like jaiden animations just because she is a girl
based schizo

I still put my animations on YouTube. But each one takes me 2-6 months to make, so I can't really keep any kind of regular upload schedule.

We can only hope that Zachs autism bleeds into the next generation via Smiling friends and helps right the wrongs of this generation.

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>he doesn't know
look her up on rule 34 or look at her twitter
based for atleast attempting to create things

>everything is LE GROSS
The state of western animation

theres rule 34 art of literally anything bro i dont see your point

>irate tranny
From the creative mind of Christine Bores


>the abuser won a "defamation" lolsuit
No wonder he's celebrating.

umami shits all over this guy.