Implying you wouldn't fuck a fly

>implying you wouldn't fuck a fly

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I mean if the fly is human sized, bipedal, with other general humanoid features, sure I'd fuck it. Hardly be a fly at that point and more of an alien though, and what sicko wouldn't fuck an alien?

How would you even fuck a fly? Let it fly up your peehole and let it lay eggs in your balls?

Does anyone want to talk about The Buzz On Maggie or is this just going to be a bugfucker thread?

I have only seen some screenshots of it, whats the show like?

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This. It looks cute.

Whos the artist?

It was a weird hybrid of a grossout show and a sitcom with a preteen girl protagonist.

The grossout elements came from most of the characters being flies who ate garbage, with some other stuff like a stinkbug character mixed in.

The stories occasionally played around with the insect concept, but more often the stories had nothing to do with the characters being insects.

There were a few episodes I liked, a couple I didn’t. Jorje Gutierrez, the guy who did The Book of Life and El Tigre, designed the characters, and there’s a fair bit of Mexican stuff snuck in.

It’s a cute oddity, and memorably unique, but it’s not a masterpiece, let’s say.

Oh, and also there were regular visual gags involving all the buildings and furniture being made of common objects you’d find in the trash. I’m pretty sure the insect town was supposed to be nearby or inside a human garbage dump.

There was even an episode about a scavenging raccoon being treated like a natural disaster by the insect characters.

It’s a normal Disney channel girl show, highschool troubles, boys, girlfriends, etc, except with a cute fly. It was fun


I would crush her with my thump

Would i be fly sized or would she be human sized ? This is important

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You wouldn't fuck a Czechoslovakian fly

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I had entomophobia (fear of insects) as a kid, but I still had a crush on Maggie. The stinkbug episode also helped awaken my fetish for girls reacting to bad smells.

No, but I would fuck a mosquito

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Neither, it's hipper that way

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It's over

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