Spider-Man: Freshman Year

>New cartoon series that will harken back to the Ditko era and old 1960's Spider-Man cartoon with the primary colors for Peter Parker. Great idea.
>His character design looks terrific
>Saddles it with the MCU continuity and his horrible first costume.

Do you think it will it be good or bad?

Attached: Freshman Year.jpg (1293x2048, 472.06K)

Can't wait

whatever. I won't watch this crap

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 8.81K)

I don't think there is anything you could do to get me to care about another Spider-man in high school story

What happened to the most recent Spider-Man cartoon where he was dabbing? Was it canceled?

>not Spectacular S2
Who gives a shit.

This, ffs let peter go to college and get an apartment and become a family man.

It's the crap costume and MCU tie-in that would be a deal breaker for me, although all the Disney Spider-Man shows have been pretty bad.

That costume looks like absolute trash, whats worse, cosplay friendly trash

it's official? looks like fan art
also this one the brow, man

Yes, it ended once Marvel Televison was folded into Marvel Studios. It also made Scream, Mania, and Scorn primordial symbiotes created by Fuck himself, for some reason.

Attached: marvels-spider-man-maximum-venom-symbiote-sisters-header.jpg (1400x700, 94.47K)

Dunno what you’re hoping for. The SSM production team have long seen disbanded and scattered to the infinite winds

I think it is fan art. But since Iron Boy didn't get anything resembling the real costume until Tony Stark made it for him, the garbage costume is what we'll probably get. Unless they decide to dump tying it so closely to the MCU. It's a shame really, because a Ditko inspired classic series could have been fun as hell.

Sounds weird, but I don't believe modern writers have the ability to write simple stories like 60s spider-man.
I don't think they can write
>Spider-man wants to stop a bad guy who is simply motivated by greed and has developed some weird costume that helps him steal money
>AND he has to deal with getting over the flu or while he has a broken arm etc.
More than anything though they can't write
>Our hetero white male protagonist with no real female or PoC friends saves the day against all odds and all on his own
Since it is MCU Peter I'm guessing they'll just pretend filipino Ned and black MJ were always his friends while he pines after black Liz Alan and gets bullied by pajeet Flash.

Have you seen what Young Justice has become like user? You really want Greg to do that to Spectacular?


Dear Marvel/Disney.

No one cares about or has fucking ever cared about high-school peter parker.
It's never spawned a single successful comic, cartoon, or movie.

Married family man Peter Parker with Mary Jane and a baby on the way is the Spiderman everyone grew up on and when he was his mist popular as a character.

No one cares about Gwen, green goblin, or flash Thompson.

>No one cares about Gwen, green goblin, or flash Thompson.
Everything you said is a fat lie get the fuck out of here retard.

The series will be a to prequel to Captain America: Civil War and Spider-Man: Homecoming.

Got it, champ. Make Peter Parker a pair of babies named Mary and James and watch they grow up. We'll have it to you in no time on Disney+!


Ditko Era best era.

>MCU shit
>Continuing 90s X-Men instead of 90s Spider-man, Spectacular or X-Men Evolution
Why is Disney so retarded?