Why are puppets considered Any Forums?

Why are puppets considered Any Forums?

I do in fact consider puppetry to be a form of animation,I just think this could be an interesting discussion.

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Puppetry can really be considered "real time stop motion" when you think about it

The question always pops up when there's something puppet-related trending. I assume Any Forums is just a catch-all for any medium, artform or even product traditionally targeted at children and not covered in other boards. We've got a cereal mascot thread going on right now ffs.

On a technical level, I'd say puppetry is strictly live-action. That said, the appeal of puppetry, IE the caricaturized characters, the emphases on expressive and simple gestures, etc., do overlap with animation a lot.

I think puppetry is more fit to belong to its own category, but it's so niche and the amount of media using it so limited nowadays that a whole board dedicated to it would be impractical. So of all existing boards, Any Forums seems to be the most well suited for it.

>Males can really be considered "non-female females" when you think about it

Puppets are live-action, as are MCU and DCEU and all live-action tv series.
They all belong on Any Forums.

You will never be a janny.

>Didja see the new Chip and Dale movie
>Yeah, I still can believe what they did to Gadget. How could the producers allow that?
>Dunno, but it sure did FLY over their heads

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Not an argument and rent-free

Ah yes, the automatized knee-jerk replies ironically intended to counter automatized knee-jerk replies

I think of Any Forums as more of a catch-all for man-made art representations, usually exaggerated and not strictly realistic, usually of fiction.

So cereal mascots are a bunch of lines drawn by some guy to represent Tony the Tiger or George Bush.

I'd suppose puppets and action figures and sculptures should count, yet I feel like an Albert Einstein bobblehead thread wouldn't be allowed on Any Forums unless it's based on an existing cartoon? Idk.

Any animation that's not purely hand-drawn has some kind of connection to puppetry.

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Those jokes brings me back. Thanks user.

Well Any Forums sure as fuck doesn't want or deserve them so the only other choices are either Any Forums or /m/.

Based and correctpilled.

Because it is.

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Well sure.


would you consider this Any Forums?

Attached: THUNDERBOLT FANTASY.webm (853x480, 2.23M)

unless you're fucking with me and it's from a video game or anime, in which case no

3/4;s of every
CGI Hollywood movie is animation. Full stop. Those MCU and DCEU movies have more animation in them than actual DC and Marvel cartoons.