Show starts as monster of the week with a wacky premise

>show starts as monster of the week with a wacky premise
>gradually devolves into janky continuity lorefaggotry

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Have you heard of the high elves?

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Stop! You violated the law!

>The lore stuff is kinda interesting
>Shows shifts to "abstract for the sake of abstract" and the writers imposing their real life problems and angst into the episodes

>what is any superhero TV show ever?

at least the waifus didn't decline in quality

Throw in a love triangle and you're golden (assuming gold = feces)

You're talking about the pickle show, right?

In retrospect the Godzilla cartoon is pretty good in that it never strayed from Kaiju of the week.

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You're talking about Adventure Time and Regular Show, right?

>lore and plot gets super interesting
>wastes half the episodes doing monster of the week shit again and rushes the main plot's conclusion

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Most of them still kept to a MOTW format

Steven Universe?

The two devils.

hi emmett

I'm genuinely blanking on examples of this aside from Regular Show and Adventure Time.

You better not be talkin shit about Big O. I will destroy you.

if a show continues, they run out monsters to do

Sounds like AT 100%

who the fuck is this guy in the bad shirt?

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure part 3?

Monster of the week is only feasible for little kid shows this days, since it's a model used for viewers that can only tune in to watch once in a while (like little kids that can't yet control their watch history).
In older times, when you couldn't just catch up to things with online services, shows took in account that you may have missed the previous episodes, but this days no one starts watching a show from any episode that isn't the first one.
Shows now have a linear story and lore because that's just how we consume media now. Serial one shot stories are no longer a convenient model because they lack a sense of progression.

is that a cartoon, retard?

no, but it was on toonami so I can see why it would come to mind

The three parter episodes with the aliens and the original godzilla as a cyborg were excellent too,

>monster of the week show has a bunch of minor background lore that was hinted at even at the start of the first episode
>final season eventually leads up to exploring said background lore

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fuck you

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fuck you too

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