Pride Month is here

Are you ready?

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This is now a Mary thread (while she’s still straight)

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When did she become gay?

Arms filling out, pecs coming in. Well on the way to becoming Mark Marvel.

What did I miss?

Mary. Mary. Why you buggin?

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>Pride Month
>Shows off a Straight woman
How bad are offical LGBT characters if people have to resort to headcanons in order to be represented?

>rasurated and everything

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user, it's so bad they have to make straight characters faggots just to get by. Look at Tim, Alan, and Ice Man for prime examples

The mentally ill are well known for concocting fantasies

He's becoming the new Shazam.

Your generation is such a disappointment, Everyone thought you'd be better than the boomers but no such luck.

Do they really hate Apollo and Midnighter that much.

Ignore USA. We'll always have the rest of the world, user.

Considering they made Superfag and a Robin gay, yeah. They stopped giving a shit about them since Rebirth.

Why are you so obsessed with her being gay

It's one fag. Like the Connor X Cassandra fag trying to spread their headcanon everywhere

If they fuck Mary Marvel over with some faggotry they can kiss away any chance of DC surviving another decade.

Discovery should just fire everyone regardless. Also doc shaner should kick himself.

It’s one autistic faggot spamming this shit.

My guy Guy will set her straight know what I'm sayin?

Human Target said Guy Gardner can’t even satisfy Tora.

Why is Mary the limit for you?

She’s a nothing character. Making her bisexual will at least give her a boost she’s had since Countdown.

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