Transformers: Prime

>make something fantastic
>find the "perfect formula" to keep people interested in it while also producing a steady supply of content
>nail the voices, characters, soundtrack, visuals and writing
>despite being a series normally catered to kids, it wasn't afraid of showing mature moments either through violence or learning valuable lessons through experience
>corporate greed and stupidity kicks in after season two
>what starts in a slow decline in quality leads to complete and totally irreversible ruination of the series and it's legacy
I will never not be mad. This series actually had the potential to be globally renowned and they ruined it.

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reminder that Unicron got forgotten about after Season 1 and only got remembered in Predacons Rising

Nah Prime was crap right from Season 1. The show actually became good in Season 3.


Hell, I'm willing to admit that even compared to what was airing at the same time as TFP, TFP was leagues better than almost everything despite being crappy by TF standards.

Wtf western animation.

Hence the "corporate green and stupidity". Unicron wasn't meant to come back and only was as a plot-point for the movie. Instead of a complete season, we got that, instead.
>Prime was crap right from Season 1
>crappy by TF standards
Okay, you MUST be baiting.

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Unicron being Earth and first season's final boss, half the plots being Miko does something stupid, pairing Airachnid and Silas right from their second appearance completely cheaping out both characters and breaking the illusion this was no Saturday morning cartoon, killing Makeshift and Skyquake because "muh stakes" (this would bite them in the ass by Season 2) and this is just season 1. Shit gets worse by Season 2.

It was boring and soulless. Its also the best written Transformers series. But I never feel the need to watch it ever again, its that dull.

>Unicron being Earth and first season's final boss
The biggest problem I had was the Unicron being Earth but considering their plans for the show at the time, it was hardly surprising.
>half the plots being Miko does something stupid
You're overplaying it, Miko causing plotline advancement was only used a handful of times in the series at most.
>pairing Airachnid and Silas right from their second appearance completely cheaping out both characters and breaking the illusion this was no Saturday morning cartoon
Considering the context of both of their situations, it was the best course of action for both of them. Silas get's his hands on Cybertronian tailpipe and keeps his skin while Arachnid got help not only finding her prey but assistance in navigating Earth before being picked up by Megatron. She had a personal grudge against Jack and Silas took advantage of it to save his skin, it makes sense.
>killing Makeshift and Skyquake because "muh stakes"
Makeshift was too strong for the series, at the time, plus he had learned the location of the Autobot base so he HAD to die(I see your point, however). Skyquake is a literal-who in Prime that was always meant to die, not even Dreadwing was better off despite being the better half.
>It was boring and soulless

Wish we got an episode of just the decepticons

The only thing worse written than Prime is Animated because at least Prime got better by Season 3. Animated arguably got worse.

...Let's not pretend TF has good writing to begin with, user. Prime is leagues ahead of Animated, despite how good it was, itself.


user a bunch of static images about how epicly epic the lore is isn't soulful to me. If anything this is exactly what's wrong with the series to me. It tells you how big and important these characters are and wants to sell you on them through their word. There's no earned moment where they feel worthy of these lofty expectations, they're just good guy leader and bad guy leader.

Like Armada, even in its original audio, isn't that good. But the fight in the last episode between Optimus and Megatron feels earned, after the whole series it feels like they've come to something they've been brought to after all they went through. Megatron and Optimus in Prime are just these cardboard cutouts or what people think their G1 toon selves were.

>user a bunch of static images about how epicly epic the lore is isn't soulful to me
That's how they do flashbacks to their history/lore and more than just static images, anyways. Not every moment has to be "GUUUUUUUHHHHH MEGATRON MUST BE STOPPED FROM DOING BAD THING, AUTOBOTS ROOOOOOOLL OUT", That'd get boring quick. Prime had it's high and low moments but every one felt genuine.
>It tells you how big and important these characters are and wants to sell you on them through their word
Wrong, The scene isn't meant to set Optimus or Megatron up to be big and strong. It's setting their history while also shedding light on the origins of the war that lead to Cybertron's downfall.
>There's no earned moment where they feel worthy of these lofty expectations

I am firmly convinced the non-fag (I still don't understand how that came about) transformers fanbase is a bunch of idiots who are either nostalgic boomers who get upset at any g1 deviation or children who want to watch endless scenes of giant robots fighting, no matter how bad it looks.

Case in point the absolutely dogshit looking beast wars being praised as the peak of transformers. That show is so ugly it's unwatchable.

I miss this Optimus. I REALLY miss the Optimus. He actually felt like a sincere role-model fighting for good in this show.

>That's how they do flashbacks to their history/lore

And its almost always a bad way to do it, the cheap 3 seconds of moving figures isn't any better.

user these clips really aren't helping. Here you have them break out the usual "This is the final battle!" a Season 1 finale. How many times does Optimus vow to stop Megatron? How many times does the show pull that this moment is super important? It gets done so much it just falls flat fast. Its bad melodrama

>Case in point the absolutely dogshit looking beast wars being praised as the peak of transformers. That show is so ugly it's unwatchable.

user what Transformers series do you even like? And how old are you?

What are you on about? Beast Wars is both the most un-G1 series there is and anything but a bunch of endless scenes of giant robots fighting.

I haven't watched all of them, I will admit. I'm not a diehard transformers fan, but I like the designs and universe. G1 is okay, at times, but the animation really brings it down. Animated is pretty good for a kids show. Prime for me is the best. Beastwars is only good if you treat it as a comedy. As for how old I am, I did not watch Beast Wars growing up, if that's what you're asking.

>could of had Ironhide as part of the main crew
>replaced by BULKHEAD of all bots
I just don't get it. At least they made him enjoyable, at least.

Mainly because I know a lot of people who didn't grow up with 90's CGI find it hard to watch, Buts its funny you say you dislike people who just want G1 reiterated or robot fighting when Beast Wars is so unlike that. Hell if anything Prime is closer to a G1 reboot than most other series short of the crappy Machinima/ Netflix stuff.

Mainly the praise for BW comes from its writing and voice acting. The animation is a huge hurdle for a lot of people but the actual character animation is fairly advanced for the time. Characters have good body language, even better than later CGI TF series.

I thought Prime was boring. Halfway through season 1 I had already checked out, and I don't think I was alone. I remember being disappointed. Maybe I should revisit it at some point.

Yeah, I'll freely admit I got filtered by the animation. That and the voice acting, which I personally think isn't that great, have meant that I (and probably loads of others) haven't given it much of a chance. It's just too goofy for me.