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Soul indeed

unironically soul

I'll show you what real soul looks like.

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A bygone era...

What an ugly character design

The over exaggerated Black Man? That's the whole film

Better than SOUL.

Nah, I like his stylized appearance. It's some of the students getting equally exaggerated features that just looks off. Soul as a whole still looked gorgeous, though. Both in The Great Beyond and regular life on Earth.

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moure like SOULless
it was the worst pixar movie in years.
>can't pick a theme
>can't give a proper message
>fix it end
>retarded characters with almost no development

They all look like the PJ’s art style but in CG.

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Sex with Jerry.

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I'd only say that for Soul, Luca looks more like Steven Universe.

Unironically Soul
It was alright

Sounding your soul's divine urethra with Jerry.



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I'm actually really happy with Pixar's latest efforts. Elemental sounds uninspired as hell, but they could always surprise us.

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