Three dimensional characters are always better than two dimensional ones

Three dimensional characters are always better than two dimensional ones.
Two dimensional characters exist only for cheap window dressing and marketing.

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That special he did for BBC was total tripe.
I was tuning In to see maybe I can get a good idea on how to be better and all he does is spout of about if you wanna write a good character you need to know them.
No fucking duh Moore what else?!

And that's the truth. You need to know their personalities, thoughts, opinions and beliefs. It's what makes good writing.

I already knew that, you know what else is easier? Just writing whatever shit is popular and regurgitating that.
These? Yeah, he is somehow a whack, hack, good writer. Sometimes you want to hail him, but than he does a faceslap thing. Guess he lives up to his characterisations by being the best comic writer and a hack at the same time.

Attached: Before Warchmen - Alan Moore - Who Scams the Scammer.png (698x999, 634.58K)

That's the one, a waste of time honestly do not expect to learn anything new if you have an education above the 4th grade level.

Guess he just wants publicy but dont spoil the secrets to keep his status quo in comics?
What if his dark magic relies on public awareness and attention? So he keeps his power as long as people talk about him. But he needs to be the supreme comic writer. Thats why you get these interviews were you know people will discuss andseeth. What if these Alan Moore threads we constantly get is made by Alan? And every post keeps giving him magic energy?

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Why don't we save the comments and paste them up when this same dead end thread is posted EVERY FUCKING WEEK.

Problem with that is there is no such thing as magic, dark or otherwise. It's just superstition and delusion. The Easter Bunny doesn't hide eggs around anyone's house, either.

Not always. Some good fiction is plot driven, more about puzzle solving than about personalities. There's no need for iron rules regarding fiction, plenty of room for all varieties.

That's lore autism brain for you.

why bump it at all?

Thank you for bumping a thread you hate.

Then you're a hack writer.

I wish I could look that cool and uncool the same time when I get old.

>No Easter Bunny
You spoilsport. There are kids (18+) who could read your post!




Flirt flirt flirt. You two love each other/

Judging from most of the comments on this board, I'd bet lots of anons are under 12 let alone 18.

I'm just tired of the autist bumping his own shitty copypasta threads

Works for some of the greatest authors in literature, giving it a tag doesn't devalue it.

Most talented writers don't know how they do it. They just stumble upon a way of working that works for them then fruitlessly try to retro engineer it when asked for advice.

Listening to Will Wheaten read this book and it takes a running jump, starting two dimensional and becoming three dimensional as part of the plot point. Like good stories this is called character progression. So i think he's talking about general work it's better to try and tell the story through relatable points of view. But the song is kino, needs to be listened to at 1.25 speed though like all Jonathan Coulton songs

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3d > 2d