Why does Batman tolerate thieves?

Why does Batman tolerate thieves?

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>tom king
lmao even

He love catwoman in many versions.

Because thievery at the end of the day is just property and bruce wayne could easily just replace anything that Catwoman has stolen. Its the same reason he thinks Two-Face is still redeemable, Two-Face is usually a bank robber/thief or vigilante rather than a mass murderer.

Because they're cute little scamps with a heap of moxie.

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Because they are a supersticious and cowardly lot.

Tom King is so bad it feels like he's doing it on purpose. like he's a demoralization agent hoping to destroy the few losers who still read the big two.

Catwoman isn't just a petty thief, she only steals from the rich and corrupt. It's about the message.

>Why does Batman tolerate thieves?
why would batman give a shit about material objects? he rides his motorcycle on top of peoples houses to chase criminals down i dont think the dude gives a shit.

Catwoman doesn't typically harm anyone and mostly just steals from rich fucks. It's not like she's mugging people in back alleys or shooting at randos.
In terms of crimes her are mostly harmless and he still typically stops her from doing it anyways. He just doesn't beat her up because there's no reason or need to.
You just take things way WAY to personally

>You just take things way WAY to personally
This... he's actually describing Tom Taylor.

If you let one bad writer or one bad run ruin a character you're a thin skin idiot who deserves to be mocked and shit on. Of course this site is nothing BUT thin skin idiots so instead everyone just feeds into the outrage culture this shit hole thrives on now.

Isn't Talia way worse? It made some sense her original characterization, where she was more of a civilian who had a terrorist dad, but she's been a super-terrorist for years now and Bruce still has the hots for her.

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No, dropping material after a bad writer is incredibly based. You should also send serious death threats to the writer's friends and family.

She don't steal from the poor becuase they have nothing to offer.

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She isn't Robyn hood.
She's a petty thief and workd class whore.
She's not even good enough to where she's deferred to when they want to take shit.
She's just a greedy whore who likes cosplaying as cat.

Stealing art from private owners and selling it and then Catwoman blowing it in hotels, restaurants and the like injects money into the economy, which benefits it more than staying in some guy's account or vault.
She's basically a hero.

Because he's just a rich asshole playing dress-up.

It's the same reason he won't rape the Joker

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it's straight up bad characterization that undermines his character no matter how hard people try to defend it. All a dude like cluemaster does is steal shit too but batman always kicks his ass because he doesn't want to fuck him

He's wants to fuck Harley and Jason?

He's a killer and a riddler knock-off.

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Because he's a simp. If catwoman was a catMAN, Batman would immediately take him to prison lol

You realize Catman is a Batman villain, right?