Without Googling, what are 3 things you remember about this show? Besides the obvious Mike, Lu and Og themselves

Without Googling, what are 3 things you remember about this show? Besides the obvious Mike, Lu and Og themselves.

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>Lu's turtle being named Lancelot
>"Congratulations, it's a car."
>Everybody dances in the credits

The comfy ending song by the Red Elvises

1: Very comfy (maybe too much so)
2. Good soundtrack
3. Despite the setting, never got to see Mike in a swimsuit

The action man, lanzelot and the pirates

being the least remembered cn show
that one cartoon network game they were in

>That one character who looks like Tito from Rocket Power
>That other character who looks like Cranky Kong as an island native
>That part in the theme song that goes "WHEEEERE NOBODY GOES"

Imperialist propaganda

Mike Lu and Og was a really bad show but was ahead of its time because it presaged that mid-2000s era of CN where most of the newer cartoons were really boring, not funny and lacking any hint of charm. So in that respect, it laid the groundwork for shows like Camp Lazlo and Foster's and was thus an innovator ahead of its time.

>part of the theme song goes "Mike, Lu, and Og (something something!)"
>the nosering kid's brain goes haywire for some reason
>they maybe try to build a car in one episode?
I dunno. It's not much, but that's what I got.

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They all probably swam nude in the ocean

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>Mike being a cute and sometimes snarky tomboy.
>Comfy and chill show in general.
>Island shenanigans.

I remember watching this in 6th grade with a diabetic girl I had a crush on ( born with it, not a fatty) at her house because one time she had to refill her insulin injector and I got to see her midsection and under boob.

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I remember they would play this on CN at 6am and I as a child would have my father take my to my aunts house super early cuz he had early work so I would arrive at her house before sunrise. I would sleep on their TV room couch because I would be able to watch CN at a time where I only had access to Nick at home. I remember sleeping very comfy to this show on that couch in the chilly early mornings and having to wake up in a couple of hours for school being brought there by my aunt.

I saw one of the characters in an old game on the Cartoon Network website.

I remember there was a guy who kept trying to catch a wombat and a grumpy old man that did magic. I can't remember three things besides those and the main characters but I don't fault the show for it, I mean, It's almost two decades since I've seen it

>Camp Lazlo and Foster's
Bro, they were like the best shows from this era. Chowder was fucking great too.

I remember that tourist girl couldn't sleep so she ruins sleep for everyone by making inventor guy emulate city lights

The red head girl's voice
The credits
The opening song

1. Wendell(mayor of the island & Lu's Father) throwing whatchamacallit baseballs

2. Og getting addicted to a handheld video game he created.

3. Mike hosting a fashion show after getting fed up with grass being used as clothing.

Bonus: Mike punching an octopus underwater.

>Mike is a really weird name for a girl.
>She was from some shithole city in the US. I can't remember which one.
>She was taking a school trip to some island in bumfuck nowhere. Basically another version of My Gym Partner's a Monkey.
Og is retarded.