Why do normalfags hate Superman so much?

Why is the prevailing sentiment among the public that Superman is somehow "outdated" or "needs to be reworked for modern audiences"? Is it just a symptom of his lackluster movies as of late?

Attached: allstar_superman.jpg (1659x2560, 395.69K)

is that a good supes comic?
t. non-superman reader

Why do superfaggots care what other people think about Superman?

Because they're insecure.

Because outside of All Star Superman, there are not many decent Superman comics. Even the best Superman comics fade in comparison to the best comics of other big names like Batman, F4, Spidey, X-Men. Unless you go back and read the silver age, there's a dearth of quality comics, movie and shows about Superman.

>try to talk about comics on Any Forums

Some superfag is going to comment with a list of mediocre Tomasi, Johns, Waid and triangle era shit. I've read most of them, and unless you exclusively read Superman, they're pretty weak.

>Why is the prevailing sentiment among the public that Superman is somehow "outdated" or "needs to be reworked for modern audiences"?
That's the prevailing sentiment on everything it's mostly pushed on the masses so that the media giants can keep giving people the same thing with a new paint job as well as to insert "diversity" in their works.
Legitimately one of the best DC comics ever.
>Why do superfaggots care what other people think about Superman?
Normies keep repeating the same thing over and over again until you start to wonder if it's true or not. (It's not obviously)

Why do autists like him

Why are you worried about what normalfags think about Superman?

It's ok but it's highly overrated.

Schizos, too. There's a video where Kanye West visits Donald Trump at the Oval Office and he says that Superman is his favorite superhero and that Trump reminds him a lot of Superman.

I'm not "worried" autist, I noticed a trend and wanted to know what Any Forums thought of it. Why do you people feel the need to turn every single subject into an us vs them debate?


what's a better superman comic?

All star Superman was twelve years ago user, The new 52 stuff is good rebirth stuff too, pretty much everything before Bendis got his hands on Supes and his son.

here we go

>Kanye West visits Donald Trump at the Oval Office and he says that Superman is his favorite superhero and that Trump reminds him a lot of Superman.
Unfathomably based

>makes superman a faggot
>wtf!!! why don't people look up to a guy who sucks cocks, drinks cum and takes it up his ass???

>>wtf!!! why don't people look up to a guy who sucks cocks, drinks cum and takes it up his ass???
Just like an anime character?

That's his son that's gay, Kal is still the Superman.

technically, yes, but not in practice.

>technically, yes, but not in practice.
What does that mean?

Just like how Miles Morales is technically a Spider-man but will never be the Spider-man.e