Why does she make everyone angry?

Why does she make everyone angry?

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badly written character defended with a "if you don't like her you're a sexist incel" style defense.

you're just afraid of this strong independent woman, shes actually a great character
also, what was her name again?


Didn't she get better after the first arc which was all OooOOo lOok aT me It'S girL tHoR you silly boys and actually gained a plot?

She is used by the people responsible for these movies as a tool to make people angry.
Also she is a symbol of identity cucking. If you look over the past few Decades of pop culture there's quite a lot of weird content involving men losing their identities without it being treated as a bad thing as apparently a strong, developed, self-assured man feels dangerous nowadays. I don't want to watch hero movies that undermine men being heroic.

I've seen more apathy towards her than anything.
Unless you're a paid shill trying to create a fabricated outrage for your trash articles

You haven't even seen the movie and you've already decided that she is badly written, eh?

The character sucked in the comics, they're bringing her to the big screen so people are worried.
Especially since the last 4-5 movies in the MCU were all about celebrating women and kicking dudes in the balls. If that trend keeps up, we'll see Thor, the last active original Avenger, be humiliated and replaced by an inferior version

Because her comic series had some really cringy ham-fisted badly-written social commentary in parts of it. Regardless of how the rest of the run went, those parts stick out like a sore thumb and ruined the whole run for many people. It's like how people can't think of Straczynski's Spider-Man run without thinking of One More Day, a few bad apples spoil the bunch.

Its already set to be boys dumb and girls rule type of movie

the ones who seething are the same kind of people who angry when gina starring in mandalorian but later support her after she went schizo

>be human science lady with cancer
>pick up hammer
>suddenly super hero saving the main character
mary su-
>dies at the end

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Lady thor is a dumb name and that is my only real issue with the characters

>"if you don't like her you're a sexist incel"
Are they wrong?

No it's not.

I like the twist on her this time around though. Subverts the feminist message real good. Wholesome ending too.


Fuck Natalie Portman for giving such shitty performances in Thor1 and 2. Her Jane Foster was terrible and was integral to both movies further cheapening movies that were already on rough footing. Fuck Her and TitsMcGee anyway. I wanted Thor movies not too watch them flick their beans for an hour.

It was in the spoilers.

She doesn't have cancer, though they make it seem like she does for most of the movie. She's pregnant. It's Thor's, hence the hammer reforming itself to protect her.

I want to believe. Dad Thor would be a great way for the character to go. But I know this is a lie. The feminists would never allow it.

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