
I love the concept of snirds. The fly and can drop like a cannon ball on your ass, imagine the applications in warfare and traveling

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What Earth shattering revelations will be in Marcy's Journal?

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So if birds and snails can reproduce does that mean Frogs and Human can also have kids.

The endgame was beautiful brothers

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Wholesome and perfect

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Alright, instead of the usual arguments, let imagine this scenario:
The entire show but
>Anne is now a boy
>Sasha is now a boy
>or Marcy is now a boy
Some changes are made depending on which girl is now a boy, but almost all the major scenarios play out the same, even the time skip ending. What would you imagine the fandom reactions would be depending on which girl is the boy?

Marcy is infertile from the damages she suffered.

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made for corruption

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Unghhh god leif bros my fucking DICK BROS

It’s so fucking crazy. I always thought sprig was kind of cute in a twinky boy toy way but I had no goddamn clue that the girl version of him was exactly what I needed. I want to fuck her so bad bros. I want to go down on her and suck out all the dirt and swamp residue straight from her ripe red pussy. I want her to scrape her crusty feet on the inside of my mouth until it bleeds. I swear to fucking god I don’t know what it is. I have dreams about her all the fucking time

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I feel like the reactions to Marcy wouldn't change so much, but if everything in this scenario goes EXACTLY as it happened in the show, people would be confused as to why Hop Pop assumed male Anne was gay in that olm episode, and people might complain about a feminine male Sasha becoming more masculine in amphibia.

I can actually see boy Sasha fucking Ivy, Maggie and Felicia to assert dominance.

So … they were in love, right?

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What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen snird?

>the Amphibia language table
>the true origins of the creatures not from Amphibia
>insight to characters that didn’t get much development in the show coughOliviaandYunancough
>some music she wrote herself
>her being a lesbian

This would be unavoidable in that scenario. Tell me the truth, wouldn't you?

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Wartodian or newtopian?

I assume that towards the end Darcy will take over the writing, so hopefully we’ll delve more into what the deal is with Olms, the three stones, the deep Amphibia lore stuff. And the temples, the temples kind of make no sense and I really hope there’s a good explanation for them

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Allegedly the writing switches to Anne's POV for season 3 stuff so probably unlikely

Isn't this made by the girl who drew all that Dana Terrace porn?

yeah, it was the greatest bromance in disney's history

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They are the worse of two worlds. Not strong enough to pull a wagon like a snail and the shell makes it impossible to ride it like a bird.