Mark Millar

Rank his works.

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i liked wanted and kick ass
theyre both good and fun and if you try to take them seriously you deserve a slap
i think he did something in crossed aswell i really liked but icr what it was

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I've only read The Authority, Red Son, and The Flash. Apparently, all three of these had assists from Morrison. They were kind of whatever. Also, a bit of Kick-Ass, but it sucked so I gave up.
I want to read some of his other comics like Jupiter's Legacy, Starlight, and Huck.
So: The Authority > Red Son > The Flash

>Fucks Goats
>Licks Goats
>Kisses Goats


Is it good?

what's that one where he licked all the goats?

anyway his greatest work of all time was consistently valuing the non-tangible assets of Millarworld Ltd at $3m in accounts for a full decade before selling the company and those non-tangible assets to Netflix for the same amount

it has all been filler garbage and would never have sold to a real studio, absolute legend

this>>>>>>>all other comic books ever published in human history, including Marville and Trouble

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>I tried to explain to my wife that Superman was supporting communism for a reason...

>Jupiter's Legacy
>Superman: Red Son
>Agents of HATE
>The Ultimates 1 & 2
>Spider-Man Marvel Knights
>The Authority
>Jupiter's Circle
>Ultimate X-Men
>Kick Ass
Never read Starlight or most his other stuff.

Red Son is probably the best, but apparently Grant Morrison helped him with it.

I'm forever saddened that "HULK WANT FREDDIE PRINZE JR!" never made it into the MCU.

so Netflix can remake Kickass?

>but apparently Grant Morrison helped him with it.
Only the ending from what I've heard. Like how Jodorowsky gave to Otomo the ending to Akira.

That's fair then. Though the ending kind of makes it for me, I kind of wish it was canon.

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>Jupiter's Legacy
Is this any good? I know the showed apparently sucked dick.


At least he was honest about his condition.

Are the Kingsman comics any good? I've never heard it discussed here.

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They're passable but forgettable. You can read them in like 40 min or less.

Superman: Red Son and Jupiter's whatever are extremely overrated, same with Starlight. Millar's absolute best is still just okay.