Anti-Disney thread

After all that Disney has done, it is time to boycott today’s evil and corrupt company called Disney. Boycott Disney! Boycott!

Attached: Don Rosa-Boycott Disney.jpg (1944x1296, 390.07K)

By doing what? Not buying Disney products? We are already doing that and it does nothing because the people who dislike Disney are dwarfed by people who like it.

Based sentiment but impossible to achieve. It's like trying to defeat the Combine from Half-Life

All because a rat fucked a bug?

Disney should be boycotted because that company rots children and promotes Satanism! That must stop.

Attached: Disney-Devilsh number.png (1155x599, 457.28K)

man I sure wonder what Don Rosa must think of the current Disney shitshow, if he even gives a fuck anymore

I know this thread is ironic but Don Rosa is still incredibly based and his work is leagues beyond any contemporary cartoons
t. Kalevala respecter

Here's how. Go ahead, call me a yikies or boomer or whatever Agent Smith copies harass others by now.

>Prevent the copyright extension
>Nuke Florida
>Extreme anti-immigration sentiments
>Cut welfare as much as possible
>Force able-bodied people to work
>Let other companies start making good content
>Disney runs their parks into the ground
>People start to decide to go to other theme parks as prices continue to rise
>The brainwashing present since the 1950s loses its grasp, we go through another 10 year depression with possible drug restriction and prohibition

But here's a scary story to tell your trans friends at a campfire, assuming you even have any or even go outside, you fucking vampire.

>In the future, Desantis wins and the world changes overnight as people neck themselves by the thousands.

Groomer company

Attached: Disney sex changes.png (1439x1550, 748.85K)

Pitiful false flag.
Already using the new movie to groom. This will probably be very consistent from now on with each new release, as they care more about using their products as social media weapons than making good stories

>the people who dislike Disney are dwarfed by people who like it.

Attached: Capture+_2022-05-16-14-16-26.png (1431x1185, 261.69K)

>Lena from Nu-Ducktales
>Woke Disney
Here's the answer. He doesn't even care, he just doesn't like that horror.

Attached: Don Rosa Sign and Chiles.jpg (1200x900, 332.71K)

>In the future, Desantis wins and the world changes overnight as people neck themselves by the thousands.

jews run disney, this is no surprise they include satanism in their works
>"I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
- Revelation 2:9

Attached: Woke Disney.jpg (1800x1339, 962.21K)

I dont get it.

>I dont get it.

Attached: Joker-You wouldnt get it.png (568x319, 282.14K)

>not already boycotting Disney
really, OP?

So, slavery and extortion?

I mean they openly stated they wanted to convert children to their identity politics. Parents are the number one contributer to Disney's profits and they did the one thing that pisses them off, went after their children.


So in otherwords, you don't get it either

>So in otherwords, you don't get it either

Attached: bugs bunny.jpg (228x221, 6.17K)