I hate nostalgia and everything associated with it

Woke shit is annoying sure but by far, nothing disgusts me more than nostalgia pandering because I know who these types of movies were made for and I just refuse to watch it even if people say it's not bad.

Attached: Chip-and-Dale-Rescue-Rangers-Review.jpg (768x432, 146.22K)

it's shit prepare for more 90 reboots like it

That's depressing. It infuriates me that these days cartoons are so filled with references to 80s and 90s crap because it's trying to attract brain-dead normies who will watch it because "I REMEMBER THIS". Fuck millennial childhood attachment

Don't worry. There will still be more reboots of 70s media as well as a bunch of 90s cartoons.

It goes one step beyond I think: not only is it pandering with nostalgia crap, but it's also turning it into a joke.
>Remember that thing from when you were young and how stupid that was? You really were a dumb kid back then. But you've grown into a sophisticated adult now, enjoying ironic and self-deprecating humor. Seriously, you're an adult, why are you still watching this crap? Aha, you're so intelligent and sophisticated.

Do IPs need to die for good after a certain point, never to be resurrected for any other generation to experience because their creative depth has been entirely plumbed?

There's a difference between reviving something for a new generation to experience and crap like this that's basically made to cater to the "adults" that grew up with it.

The problem is that you guys consume corporate owned, creatorless works in the first place.
All those zombie franchises without the original author in control might as well be dead, because it will ALWAYS end up like this.
The moment there is no original creator, just fucking bust.
But you people act like you need to consume disney owned franchises or you'll die.

Ideally a corporation would be unable to hold any IP. IP rights should only apply to persons and corporations should only be able to act as a publisher. The moment the original author is out of the picture IPs should be public domain.

I might sound overly dramatic, but hear me out.
Putting irrelevant franchises to sleep is only part of the solution. The entertainment industry shouldn't be producing as much crap as it is currently. We're witnessing the consolidation of entertainment like we witnessed the consolidation of the Internet. They're gathering large amount of people around small amount of original content, while the need to consume it to feel culturally in tune with the masses is increasing.
Like people are only reading wikipedia for random factoids, they are only binging the same shows, type of movies, type of entertainment. People stop maturing and developping critical skills because their thought process is bound to the content they are presented with. It's like how we divided technical job into smaller, more technical jobs, where each individual is an expert in an infinitely tiny field and cannot achieve anything on his own because of the lack of knowledge with anything outside that field.
It's concerning.

How can Disney look at these two side by side and not think the second one is soulless?


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>"Haha get it?? It's a meta joke about millennials and their 2D vs 3D animation aregument. It's funny because we're being self aware"

What do you mean user, don't you love seeing one of your childhood favourites come back 'all new, all CGI animated, and graphically enhanced on the big screen™' for 3 minutes where their entire character is ignored entirely, if not outright bastardized despite them being used in the trailers at every chance to generate maximum 'hype' possible?

Attached: The-Iron-Giant-in-Ready-Player-One-Movie.jpg (1400x700, 70.77K)

God, that fucking movie. I remember someone made a short parody game about it and was basically accurate to the movie and book itself.

Not gonna watch the film but why is dale a cgi monstrosity and chip a cartoon

Nostalgia pandering was always a thing, it's just now it's got names and brands attached to it.

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It's just worse now because millennials and zoomers are miserable and hold on tighter to nostalgia for comfort hence why they consoom more

>Fuck millennial childhood attachment
Hate to break it to you but nostalgia isn't tied to a single generation. Zoomers are soon going to have metric tons of Minecraft themed nostalgia.

Only Nostalgia I will ever have is for the original product itself and that alone, at most I might be tempted to pirate something that's trying to bait me with mentions of it if it seems promising, but the moment any media tries to make use of nostalgia for consoomerism I refuse to give any support towards it regardless of if it turns out to be good or not afterwards

Did they fuck? I sure hope so!

Dale had CGI plastic surgery go be more "Modern" and Chip is a bitter old boomer who refuses to pander.