Wait A Minute...I'm White!

Wait A Minute...I'm White!

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It's disturbing how true to life this is

This skit was a blessing from our father Yakub, who hoped to uplift our spirits by reminding us that despite our accursed lack of melanin we are still his blessed children and can rise above the oppression inflicted upon us by our dark predecessors.

Don't a lot of white people lose their minds over the smallest things?

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most of them stay alive after that

>Lose their mind

First off faggot I'm not even white and second in just pointing out how funny that this is true to life.

It's a slow decent into madness.

Whites typically only fight over trivial shit if both of them are drunk and even then that doesn't usually result in someone dying. Whereas two blacks in their right mind will try to kill one another because one of them bumped into the other

Miserable as fuck

God, this guy needs a haircut and a shave.

Whites literally jump the gun any time they feel threatened which is literally all the time. The constitution of fucking chihuahuas .

Turn off your television faggot.

Black writers are incredibly insightful and intelligent, aren't we?

>Whites jump the gun

This has to be bait. Outside of the odd shooting shilled by the press, most violent crime is committed by blacks but you certainly won't see it on the news

Do you think life is a cartoon?

I just have to go to the pub.

I don't think that's technically what he was talking about, as there's still a pretty big difference between the rare and premeditated mass shooting, and your average daily nigger mcdonalds brawl.

Most violent crime is committed by men. So by that by that logic just lock up all men.

depends on who you ask and who you're talking about, but yeah. i think anyone who can take an honest look at themselves and the culture they grew up in and portray it all honestly are insightful. part of the reason why i miss pre-2010 media.

*black men, between the ages of 16-25

>*your average daily nigger mcdonalds shooting