Heroes should stop dating civilians. It always lead to shit like this

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Honestly I think being a superhero wife is more like being a soldier's wife then a cop's wife.

A bunch of writers try really hard to make MJ a strong enough character to not pull shit like this, and then some writers make her literally the most unreasonable and selfish spouse in comics.

honestly the best part of spiderman life story is when peter turns into a murderous rampaging venom and MJ has to use a sonic gun to stop him that almost kills him and literally the next fucking panel is MJ taking the kids and fucking off because at that point in addition to every other fucked aspect of a spiderman life, which sane person wouldn't leave after insane shit like that

>when Bendis of all people understands their relationship better than you

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It's not a "civilian" problem, it's a "woman" problem.

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Wait are they broken up but have kids now?

It's mystery box shit

For me, it's when Jade of all people bitched out (and cucked) Kyle Rayner.

She has a point

>It's mystery box shit
What is that supposed to mean?

It means they want you to pay to find out, but will work it out because it's Peter and MJ and we have a future story coming up about their love and all this is just drama. IT's Marve;s Lois and Clark

It means the author is gonna blue ball us about telling us what the fuck is going on for as long as possible. For example who/what Kindred was during Spencer's run on Spiderman or how Donny Cates has Hulk involved in something in El Paso that took him until this month to reveal it

Mark btfo

If only Peter had a love interest that could fight alongside him and not judge him all the time...

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spiderman life story is a self contained story (a really good one), mj and peter do have kids but after peter goes into a mid life crisis and uses the symbiote to cope with it (which leads to the scenario i mentioned before) she takes the kids and leaves, but like ten or 15 years later they reconcile.

Stop being a nagging wife bitch, he's saving lives.

Being a superhero is one thing using the Venom suit when you have kids and you know it affects you as another.

It's a moral thing in a short run you'd think it'd work but eventually you'd see him try to change her. It's the polar opposite of Batman and Catowman

That's a more interesting dynamic than "nagging civilian wife".

She'd do the exact same thing if she were in MJ's place, user. You're blaming the character when the culprit is the writer - Marvel's writers are completely failed human beings that despise seeing functional relationships and ruin them constantly because it's the only "drama" they know how to do. They can't grasp the notion of EXTERNAL problems a couple has to face and overcome together, just internal petty bullshit they can bicker over.

You mean having a wife in general?

there's also alot of other stuff that contributed to it, the story has clone saga and harry (who was MJs ex-fiance) as hobgoblin, also MJ outright says that she feels like she's playing second fiddle to gwen to the point that a dementia riddled aunt may (whos care peter dumps onto MJ) mistakes her for gwen. honestly just following in the footsteps of your partners dead lover alone would probably be enough to put a rift in a relationship

Kyle legitimately should have beat her to death with a giant green baseball bat during that issue. Even worse, she comes back to life years later and keeps bitching at him

which in a sense if MJ is present for the trial in issue 10 because of the Mora Jane stuff with the Gala tie in. She witnesses Peter finally letting go of his grieve for the whatever time strengthens that idea that she doesn't have to feel like a second fiddle and is number 1 in his life

The problem with Life Story is they spent WAY too much of Peter's life on the drama and didn't really give the relationship time (and especially on-panel time) to grow and become strong enough to survive and be mended through it all. The story wound up pretty terrible because it relies almost 100% on you associating it with better pre-existing stories to fill in the gaps.

Zdarsky did want to have the story be expanded (if i remember he wanted like 3-5 issues per decade) but that got rejected so it had to be streamlined

This, the amount of marital trouble projecting is insane.

Im guessing you're not married

MJ has always been the second choice. It makes sense her fans fear Gwen's upcoming revival.

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