Love, Deah and Robots volume 3

Volume 3 has come out today, in case you had forgotten. Not a bad batch, but only 9 episodes.

I think the one I liked the most was the one with the giant crab. I knew about sympathetic villain, now I know about unsympathetic heroes.

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Jibaro try to answer difficult questions, such as: can two people rape each other during the same intercourse?

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The other two seasons were almost exclusively god-awful trash
I look forward to seeing how bad the new batch of shorts is.

They are all good for the most, IMO.

It had bug fucking in it and somehow managed to not be the worst show with bug fucking in it coming out today.

What other show had bug fucking?

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I watched it all. A lot better than S2 and S1. I just wish the entire series was more creative, cause it feels so well produced but rarely breaks the barrier of being really memorable.
>Three Robots Exit Strategy
It was way better than the First three robots. Very unsubtle message but the robots were a lot less annoying than this one and I actually like the plot progression/

>Bad Travelling
David Fincher himself directed this. It was really, good. Great pacing, atmosphere and even dialogue. Captain was a fucking badass. I dont understand why the Crab couldnt just swim or crawl to shore, didnt really make sense why it would need humans. In a standard sense I think its the best of the set

>The very pulse of the machine
Visually trippy and the poetry was nice. Overall I dont think it was that great and it felt like it thought it was smarter than it really was. There wasnt really much poetry to the end.

>Night of the mini dead
It was really creative and a fun 5 minutes. I wish it was more creative since it was practically every zombie movie or video game but in an isometric cutesy miniature format though a bit more over the top.

>Kill Team Kill
Good animation but it was very straight forward. A bunch of dumb specops fight a robot bear. Kinda awful dialogue, watch it once, get a chuckle and then forget about it.

Brother get the Flamer, THE HEAVY FLAMER!. Yeah these dumbasses were fucking around with shit that would obviously screw them over. Really? An alien hivemind called the Swarm? Come on, theres enough Zerg and Tyranid fiction to tell you this would end badly.

>Masons Rats
This fucking disgusted me. So the fucking farmer decided to save and befriend the rats only after he practically committed a genocide against them. What the fuck. If it ended with him killing all the rats I wouldnt mind but this pissed me off.

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Here are my shitty reviews for each episodes:
>Three Robots: Exit Strategies
Not enough emphasis about how the word is being doomed by just a few fuckers and the rest of humanity is forced into it. It's there, underneath, but it still carry too much of a "lol, humanity did that to itself and could have stopped it if they wanted"
>Bad Travelling
The good guy won, I guess?
>The Very Pulse of the Machine
Kinda liked it,though I would have hoped she had made it. I guess space survival journey are a favorite genra of mine
>Night of the Mini-Dead
Tropey to the max and that's the point. it will get extra kudddo from me if it has effectively be done in stop-motion (it probably hasn't)
>Kill Team Kill
The one with the characters I liked the best in this volume. Basic concept well executed.
You could have just say, no, Swarm.
>Mason's Rats
Poor scorpio robot was just doing his job. Rats have good sportmanship, I gotta say.
>In Vaulted Halls Entombed
Almost too standard, but still managed to give me chills. No idea how she came out.
A beautiful mess.

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what about Jibaro?

Guess user hit the character limits and will post about "In Vaulted Halls Entombed" and "Jibaro" in a different post.

>Three Robots Exit Strategy
Honestly they should stop making this type of short and make room for something else. It’s getting really predictable now, three seasons in a row there’s a short about robots and humans.

>Bad Travelling
This show got me hooked, the direction and the plot is really great.

>The Very Pulse of the Machine
Interstellar trip is getting pretty common imo, it’s visually appealing that’s about it.

>Night of the Mini Dead
The perspective is fun, all around a fun watch.

>Kill Team Kill
Action-comedy, strangely enough something about it made my heart race but visually and plot-wise it was okay.

Haven’t watched the rest though.

>In Vaulted Halls Entombed
I cannot imagine how so much money, time and effort could be put into something so unimaginative and boring. Like godamn, is this really it? A bunch of soldiers end up finding Cthulhu and one of them escapes by plucking their eyes out. This is some basic bitch shit. What the fuck

This is my favourite not just of the set but of the entire show, a fuck ton better than the Witness. At first I wondered why people were moving at like 1.5x speed but as it progressed I understood. The director has a really good sense of making you feel through visuals. I will genuinely watch this again before the end of the year. This is something I will recommend to people if they want something interesting to watch. Its not everyones cup of sugar but its mine.

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>At first I wondered why people were moving at like 1.5x speed but as it progressed I understood.
Wait, there is a reason? I thought it was just a stylistic choice.

>I cannot imagine how so much money, time and effort could be put into something
A lot of it is motion capture, so it's not as expansive as you might think.

I wouldn't even be surprised if "generic realistic human model" was something you could easily get from a 3rd party to license from.

>muh rape
>muh dykeshit
I stopped watching this garbage on the first episode

>>muh rape
>>muh dykeshit
There was basically neither in any of the episodes. You are unhealthily obsessed with non-existing issues. Go consult someone.

"Each one of you drew an X"

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>>muh rape
>>muh dykeshit
Where? Please user take your meds

shills mad

You are the only one being angry, there.