Capeshit Horror

Which did it better?

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MoM and Hellboy aren't really horror movies despite having some horror stylings
I didn't see Brightburn though, the trailers made it look like it was firmly horror genre but for all I know it could have been a sitcom

Brightburn is the only one out of these three that is actually horror.

Attached: Brandon.jpg (681x383, 42.13K)

None of them were any good.
Capeshit and horror don't mix at all.

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RIP Brandon Lee

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Split did it better than all three

Not horror
Not horror
Horror, but also horrible
It's literally just 'dude superman but evil and a kid lmao'

Ah, yes. James McAvoy in drag is scarier than Evil Superman.

How did Shyamalan do it?

Attached: MacAvoySplit1.0.jpg (1400x1400, 169.48K)

In my experience arguing with people here, Any Forums seems to really struggle with the idea that more powerful villain =/= scarier (or even scary) villain.

He's a genius

What a Twist!

The problem with Bright is that it takes an interesting premise and does it the complete wrong way. Brandon isn't evil because of circumstances or being bullied, he's evil because his ship sent out a magical signal to change his personality entirely.

McAvoy is hot unlike anyone in Brightburn

Brightburn was disappointing. It was just a typical slasher movie with an evil Superman coating. It didn't have anything to say about Supermans character, or what would turn superman evil, or why superman shouldn't be evil. It just had him be evil because the pod that brought him to earth turned him evil.

Also. Making an evil Superman movie in a time where there isn't a major mainstream example of a good heroic Superman or Superman expy in pop culture feels like kicking the character while he's down.

I want to say it's a simpler premise than Shamalama's approached in recent years, but even then there's movies that should've been an easy approach he fucked up. McAvoy's just good.

>chaw chaw, bang, fuck I'm dead

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Unironically pic related
Even Raimi kneels

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This, Aquaman too to a lesser extent