Does anyone actually like the first season?

does anyone actually like the first season?

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I have a special resentment for it because it was the only season we had on dvd growing up and it's rarely funny. Looking back, though, there was something really twisted about Springfield and the characters in season 1. I can't explain the appeal but it's there.

Yes. I even like the Tracey Ullman shorts.

I like the Telltale Head, Bart the General and Krusty gets Busted

I remember when those dvds first came out and I also only had season 1. I think they released them once a year, right? I think there is something there too I just can’t explain it it’s sort of surreal

Not really. For me I prefer Seasons 5 - 11

Yeah I pretty much only like the first two or maybe three seasons.
I guess season 11 is ok, too.
I don’t care for the rest of the show.

I do, its fine and charming.
It was a show clearly trying to find its footing but the best it offered was still pretty good and fun. Bob's laugh in Krusty gets busted is when you knew The Simpsons was something special.

The Tracey Ullman shorts were better than season 1, they were downright good and created Bartmania for a reason.

Yeah, I'd say I rather enjoyed it. It's a different show from later seasons, but different good.

It's my favorite
Before the show was kidnapped by "wacky" writers who turned the Simpsons from an ordinary but weird family to a collection of separate wacky characters.

the one where homer attempts suicide too much for you?

I like the first season

I do, a lot. It's a completely different show from afterwards but also a unique one.

I wanted the wacky "5 jokes in under a minute" Simpsons, and that wasn't it. I was eventually able to appreciate it on its own terms

I do. There's some weirdness like black Smithers and goofy looking background characters that give it a different feel, but I never felt it was bad. The show does get better in the following seasons, but it's still very enjoyable.

are the tracy ulman shorts really actually more responible for bartmania than actual early simpsons?

I do,a lot. I consider all of its flaws,in comparison to the later soulful seasons,as a charm.

I mean, not all of it. But that is true of every season of every show.

I do.

I liked how they attempted to develop Bart and Lisa equally before giving up on the latter.