What if Batman was gay

What if Batman was gay

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Hell yeah dude

What if gay was batman?

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that would be pretty gay

Phausto pls


I'm gay actor Michael Douglas

He literally got cancer from too much eating pussy.

I'm Ryan Schutt and I'm gay. Also i'm Barack Obama.

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If I was married to Catherine Zeta-Jones I'd eat her out a lot too.

what if batman was chinese and he kept trying to eat himself

What if instead of family guy it was family gay and everyone was gay. and lois was a day laborer named luis who was raped in the ass by everyone in quahog

cumeatsioner gordon

sex luthor was my favorite one

OP is very embariceing

Then his habit of constantly adopting young boys would look awfully suspicious.

that would be pretty hot


for me, it's poison HIVy

What if The Riddler had down syndrome?